Be proud of how hard you are trying

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Lizzie's POV

She thought I was asleep but I heard her perfectly, maybe after everything she still wants me she just needs to admit it. I have been awake for almost an hour, I'm just appreciating the woman who is hugging me, I turn a little, carefully not wanting to wake her up, she moves closer to me and hugs me tighter, I'm now facing her, I'm admiring all her features, I never realized how large and beautiful are her eyelashes. It's taking everything on me not to kiss her lips

I continue admiring but she opened her eyes I don't know why but I closed mine. She chuckle "Are you really pretending you are asleep and you weren't staring at me" she said with her morning voice that makes me crazy. I opened my eyes and she has her eyes closed again. She stretched out making weird noises, and I couldn't help but laugh. Then I see that she is falling asleep again "And are you really falling asleep again?" I asked her and she groaned "What time is it?" She asked me "I don't know maybe 9" I told her "It's so early why are we awake go back to sleep" she said still hugging me, I move closer to her, where our faces are just inches apart "Remember the schedule, we need to go to have breakfast or we won't find any food" I told her, and she opened her eyes

I think she felt the closeness, I could just move a little and our lips will be touching, but someone opened the door "Hey Y/N are you awake" Scarlett shouted, why does she has a key?. Y/N stopped hugging me and pulled away "Dude what the fuck how did you get in?" Y/N asked her shouting "I convinced the guy to give me a key for your room, we need to go and have breakfast I came to wake you up and to ask you if you know where did Lizzie" she shut up when she saw us on the bed "Sleep" she said and smirked "Omg I'm sorry I will go and you can put clothes on" she said "Bitch we are not naked" Y/N told her and Scarlett pout a little making me laugh

She walked and sat on the bed "Well come on let's go grab breakfast" she told us "I need to pee" Y/N said and walked to the bathroom, the good thing is that the toilet is hidden and there is not a glass like in the shower "What happened?" Scarlett whispered and I shrugged "It didn't happen anything but we are now super closer, we hugged on the sand and then she let me sleep with her and I asked her to hug me because I didn't know if this was going to be the last time we share a bed, and then she cuddle me and when she thought I was asleep she said 'I don't want this to be the last time' I think she wants me too" I told her and she got excited "This trip is your opportunity" she said and I nod "I will do everything to win her back" I told her

Y/N got out of the bathroom and she is changed, I looked at her amazed

This is the first time I see perfectly her tattoo, well not that perfectly, if I want to see it perfectly I have to see her without any clothes on "God damn it girl, you look hot" Scarlett told her and I glared at her, but she is not wrong she loo...

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This is the first time I see perfectly her tattoo, well not that perfectly, if I want to see it perfectly I have to see her without any clothes on "God damn it girl, you look hot" Scarlett told her and I glared at her, but she is not wrong she looks hot as fuck and I can see that she has been working out a lot, I mean she had abs but now you can see them perfectly, I want to touch her abs "Come here I want to see your tattoo" she told her and she walked to the bed and laid on "You already saw it the other day" she said making me confused please tell me she didn't saw her naked "Calm down Lizzie she was fully dressed" Scarlett said "Ok Lizzie go get changed and we will wait for you" Scarlett said and I nod

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