Even after the darkest night the sun will raise again

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It has passed one week since we returned to LA, Lizzie and I have been amazing, we have been hanging out not all of days because we are not in a relationship, not yet, but sometimes we have lunch together or we go for a walk together. She had showed me a new side of her, I mean I'm starting to think that she won't hurt me again. Today we will have a night date, we have had dates but all of our dates were at the evening or morning, and we will any out on set, and tonight she will take me to a restaurant, that means we have to dress nicely, she told me that I shouldn't be worried about that but I don't know what to wear. I know the date is not until night but I have to start looking what I am going to wear

Unfortunately I don't have too much time to keep looking for my outfit because I need to go and take pictures. The twins really recommended me with a lot of people, I'm so grateful with them, I mean I have always loved taking photos and now I have a job of it and I still can help people on the Law Firm so if I'm honest I am really happy right now and after a lot of sad, dark days I am happy

I drove to the studio where I am going to take photos and I'm surprised to see Ashley here "Hey, I didn't know you were going to be here" I told her as I hugged her "I had to came, we need some people to model and they told us they know some people so we need to come" she said "Is MK here too?" I asked her "No, she couldn't come she is in New York" she said "Oh I wanted to thank you both" I told her and she glared at me "Will you someday stop thanking us, you having doing it a lot, so stop thanking us, you deserve this, and you earn this, we just talked about your talent" she said making me chuckle "I just I feel like I haven't say you how grateful I am" I told her "Believe me you have done it plenty of times" she said

I noticed she has a big smirk on her face "So I wanted to hang out with my sister tonight but she is busy" she said smirking at me "Oh really? How bad" I told her and she hit my arm, I think everyone likes to hit me "I know you two have a date" she said and I laughed at how excited she is, she looks more excited than me "Yeah we do, we have been so good and I'm happy" I told her and she smile at me "You really look happy I mean you haven't stop smiling since you got here" she said and I chuckle "It's just I really thought our story ended and now we are really progressing" I told her and she nods "I'm happy for both of you, are you already a couple?" She asked making me laugh "No we are not, If I'm honest I uh I asked her for time because I need it and I want to trust her again" I told her and she hummed "I see, but you hang out, I mean you still see each other" she said and I nod

We see each other and sometimes we kiss each other too, "Yeah I mean I need time to be again with her like fully, like in a relationship but that doesn't mean I need time away from her, I've already spent a lot of time away from her" I told her "Well I'm so happy but I need to go and I'm sure you are here because you need to take photos so I hope I will see you around and text me other thing I mean you always text me a lot of thanks you, I want to know about your day and stuff" she said and I nod "I will try but thank you again" I told her as I hug her and she pushed me away and laughed

I took the photos but I didn't see Ashley again, they really should live here in LA I really like being around them, it seems that the Olsens have an effect on me, of course just one Olsen has a unique effect on me. I drove to a cafe to have lunch as I was waiting for my food I decided to text Lizzie, because I know she is on a break right now

My crush😻:
Hey are you on a break right now?

My stalker👀:
Yeah I was waiting for your text

My crush😻:
Oh really?

My stalker👀:
Yep, someone told me that you were taking photos, are you done?

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