What's better than being alone with you

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Lizzie's POV

As always I woke up first, I decided to order us some breakfast, they will bring it to our cabin. After ordering out breakfast I came back to bed and I saw the mirror on the ceiling, I know Y/N thinks I did it on purpose but I really didn't ask for the mirror, I didn't even know there was going to be a mirror, I mean I think now that we know it will be kind of hot and the things we brought will make it even better. I had to stop thinking like that because I was getting wet

I decided to wake Y/N up knowing that our breakfast will be here in any moment, I started kissing her face, knowing she loves when I wake her up like this, I don't know how she will wake up, I really hope she will not be grumpy, even though I love my grumpy wife, the doctor told us that if she gets stressed or mad it can affect the process so I'm trying to keep her happy and I try to not stress her out

She started smiling, so I know she is awake, we share some kisses but we were interrupted by a knock "Who is knocking?" Y/N asked confused "I asked us breakfast" I told her as I grab my robe and walked toward the door, as I suspected it, it is our breakfast, I brought it to the bed and then I stood up again and walked to grab the injection "You need to inject them bug" I reminded her and she groan, she hates needles so yeah it's kind of hard making her take the injection "Do you want me to do it?" I asked her and she nods

I injected them carefully not wanting to hurt her, even though she is now used to it "I hope I don't have effects while we are out exploring and seeing the island" she said and I nod "I know you will be fine, and I will be with you which is better right?" I asked and she giggles nodding "Let's eat breakfast it really looks amazing" she said and I agreed, we as always ended sharing our food and playing like two kids "We need to hurry up" I told her as I caress her back, she decided to lay on top of me, I love having her like this but I also want to go see the island and I know she wants that too

She groaned and give me a kiss "Do you know how much I love you?" She said sweetly "I do not" I told her trying to hide my smile "Well I love you so so so sooo much" she said as she kisses my neck making me giggle "It tickles" I told her and she smirked at me and started tickling my sides. I started laughing so hard that my stomach hurt so much, thank god Y/N stopped I swear I was going to pee. We took a shower, and Y/N behaved so we are now ready, I pack some snacks on my bag knowing that Y/N will get hungry, after getting everything we walked out of our cabin and we went to the reception where our guide will be

We greeted him "So we are going to have a tour around the Bahamas, I will take you to a lot of beautiful places where you can stay for a little bit until we have to move to another place, if you have doubts of something don't doubt on telling me" he said and we both nod, they put us in a golf car, and we started going to a place where they have turtles, he told us that they keep them safe there and he asked us if we wanted to go where they have more animals to keep them safe, Y/N asked him what kind of animals and he told her that there were a lot, there were dolphins, crocodiles, and he mentioned sharks so of course Y/N told him yes

So here we are watching the sharks, it is a big tank with a lot of kind of sharks, I couldn't help but smile at my wife, she and the guy are talking about them and she sounds and looks so excited, she noticed that I was staring at her so she took my hand and put me closer "Do you want to enter with them?" The guy asked us "With them?!" Y/N asked shocked "No they no, we have another ones that are friendly, and you can swim with them" he said I instantly looked at Y/N she knows I don't like it I thought she was going to say yes but she said no that we were fine, I am thankful I really don't like the idea of her swimming with sharks

We watched the animals, they also have pigs and Y/N really loved them, they were swimming on the ocean which was weird but the guy told us that here it was pretty normal. We stopped in a beautiful beach, the water here is beautiful , we found swings so of course Y/N got in them she looks beautiful "Come on Liz, it's funny" she said and I couldn't help but giggle "You are going to fall, and you will get all wet" I told her but she ignored me and continue swinging herself so fast, and as I said she fell. I couldn't help but burst into laughter. She stood up and glared at me

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