I want to spend the rest of my life with you

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I can't believe August almost ruin the proposal, I mean if he wouldn't have asked Lizzie who she was, he would have told her everything I have planned for her, a good thing is he asked her. Lizzie has begging me to tell her where are we going and what I have planned but I keep telling her that it's a surprise that she will love, or at least I think she will love, I hope she will love it. I am still a little hangover which is not great, so I'm now drinking a lot of water, I need to be good for tonight

The twins are hangover as well but they look way worst than me "Why are you drinking so much water?" MK asked me "It helps with hangovers" I told her simply "Oh wait is today" she said a little too loud for my liking, I hope Lizzie didn't hear "What is today?" Liz asked and I glared at the twins "We have a meeting, well had because we are not going, we should postpone it" Ashley said, saving my ass, Lizzie just hummed and walked toward me

I know that look she came here to make me tell her what I have planned "My love, light of my life I love you but I will not tell you what I have planned, as I told you it is a surprise" I told her and she pout so I pecked her lips until that pout disappeared "I came to ask you what should I wear" she said "Oh it's formal, it's elegant or at least I think it is, it is not a lot but it is formal" I told her and the twins chuckle "That doesn't help me bug" she said and yeah it's pretty confusing "Just wear something nice, something you are comfortable but that is kind of formal" I told her and she nods

Now that she asked me what she should wear I realized that the twins haven't given me my outfit "What will you wear?" She asked me and I looked at the twins for help "I still don't know, we have to go to the house and start looking, but we can go later, we can be with our family right now" I told her and she smile and kissed me softly. "Where is Bo?" I asked them because I haven't seen my little guy "He is with Luca" Lizzie said

Lizzie went somewhere so I took the opportunity to tell the twins about the outfit "You guys told me that you were going to give me an outfit I haven't gotten anything" I told them "Relax Y/N is in the spare room next to yours and Lizzie's room" they told me "When did you put it there?" I asked them "When you were having sex with Liz, and asked you to go dinner with us, we planned on telling you and showing it to you but Lizzie was there so we couldn't" MK said "Well thank you so much guys" I told them and they smile and nod

I went with Lizzie and we sat on the couch with our mom's, Lizzie got comfortable with she between my legs, I was with my back on the arm of the couch, and we are very comfortable I still feel a little sick, my headache is still there but I hope it fades away really soon. I let them talked because I feel like I'm falling asleep "Y/N you can go upstairs and have a nap if you are tired" Jarnette said "No I'm good thanks" I said "Do you want to switch?" Lizzie asked me "Nope, you are comfortable and I am comfortable so it's fine" I told her

I don't know how but I fell asleep and I am now laying on top of Lizzie. "Hi bug" she greeted me with a head kiss "How did you change our position?" I mumbled in her neck "It was easy" she said chuckling about it "What time is it?" I asked her "Uhm it's 2:00 pm" she said "Wow I really slept a lot" I told her and she nods "Are you feeling better?" She asked me and I hummed yes "I really needed a nap" I told her "Even though you were awake for like an hour" she said and I laughed "I was still tired I needed more sleep" I told her and started kissing her chin "Where are our mom's?" I asked her "Your mom already left with Luca by the way he wanted to take Bo with him so I let him, I mean we will be out at the night and I didn't like the idea of he being alone in the house" she explained me "That's fine" I told her "And my mom should be here somewhere" she said making me chuckle

We stayed for a couple of minutes and then we drove to our house. "I miss Bo" I told her as I drive "Baby he hasn't been gone for too long" Lizzie said "But I didn't see him this morning" I told her pouting and she chuckle "I can't imagine how will you act when we leave our kids" she said and I gasped "Why would we leave them?" I asked her "Baby they have to go to school and sometimes we will need time for just us you know" she pointed out and I hummed "You are right but we are going to leave them until they are like 7 years" I told her and she just laughed

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