True love has no space for mind games

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It's now time for our break so we walked to the dining area and it surprised me when everybody started singing happy birthday to me and Scarlett is holding a cake, I smile and hide my face on Lizzie's neck, I don't like to have so much attention, I don't know what to do when someone sings happy birthday to me, I feel awkward, "Happy birthday my beautiful princess" she said and I stop hiding my head to look at her beautiful eyes "Thank you so much my principessa" I told her and she leaned for a kiss, not caring that there are a lot of people watching us

Rachel Weisz approached us and she gave me a hug "Happy birthday" she said and I smile "Thank you Rachel". Then some other people came and wished me a happy birthday as well. We are now eating cake, "This tastes pretty good" I told them "I knew you would love it" Scarlett said and I smile at her "Thank you Scar" I told her and she smile back at me "Everything for the wife" she said earning a glare coming from Lizzie "Relax Lizzie I'm just kidding" Scarlett said "Do not call my girlfriend your wife" Lizzie told her and I put my arm around her to calm her down "I know I said I wasn't going to be jealous anymore but I" she was rambling so I cut her off with a kiss

After our kiss she has a big smile "I really don't care when you act like this, I think is cute" I told her and she smile at me "Really?" She asked worried and I nod "Just don't forget that I will never do something to hurt you" I reminded her and she nods "Yes I know baby" she said and pecked my lips

We had to go back filming and Lizzie followed us, she is staring so deeply at me that it makes it harder to concentrate "Y/N? Did you hear me?" Jonathan asked me "Uhm what did you say?" I asked him "I said that if you are ready to go film the next scene" he said "Oh yeah sure let's go" I told him and then turned to see Lizzie, who has a big smirk, she knows exactly what she is doing to me

They let us go earlier because Scarlett insisted it, which I'm happy because I want to spend the day with Lizzie "So what about we go out to eat somewhere and then you have the rest of the day with just Lizzie" Scarlett suggested and we nod "That's perfect, but you will pay the food" I told her making her laugh "I was going to do it before you say it dumbass" she said rolling her eyes at me

We arrived and there is a lot of food here but it has weird names "I do not understand a shit" Lizzie whispered making me chuckle "Do you understand?" She asked me "Not too much just a little bit, I think I will order Rømmegrøt" I told her and she looked at me shocked "What is that?" She asked me and I shrugged "I think is a cream soup, or something like that, they should put pictures of the food" I told her and she hummed "Do you know what Smalahove is?" She asked "Don't order that, it's sheep's head" I told her and she looked at me more shocked

These food sounds weird I hope it taste good. We already ordered "Why did you bring us here?" Lizzie asked Scar "They said it is a good restaurant with traditional dishes from here" she said "It's all meat" I said and Lizzie nods. We ended ordering the same thing, we didn't like the food that much but it's always good trying, Rose hated it that she didn't finish her food

After getting out of the place Scarlett started laughing "I'm so sorry guys I really thought the food was going to taste good" Scarlett apologized "It's fine Scar, it's always good trying new things" Lizzie told her "I mean I would have really loved eating enchiladas but yeah it's fine" I told her earning a slam on my arm from Lizzie "And where do I find enchiladas, we are in Norway Y/N not Mexico" Scarlett told me "We don't need to be in Mexico for enchiladas I can make them myself" I told her she was going to say something but then she looks at Rose. I bet she was going to tell me something bad and irrespecutful 

We drove to the house and I was going to step out of the car but Lizzie stopped me, "We are going somewhere" she said and I looked at her confused "Did you plan something?" I asked her and she nods smiling as she gets out of the car to get in the driver side "Can I go out and sit there?" I asked her as I point the seat, she chuckled and nod

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