It's all happening for a reason

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Scarlett invited me to a trip to Cancun, she said it is a Marvel trip, I asked her if Lizzie was going but she said that Lizzie can't go because she is filming the season two of Sorry for your loss. I already saw the first one and I really loved it, Lizzie is such an amazing actress and I totally loved it, if I'm honest I love everything she does. It has been a month since the dinner I had with the Olsens. Lizzie and I have been texting each other but not that much, and we haven't seen each other since then

I decided to go to Cancun, I would have liked if Lizzie come but I think if she comes I won't be able to resist more and I don't want to continue resisting to her but I'm still scared of the thought of she hurting me again. Besides I know it will fun to go to Cancun, I mean I have always loved it and I'm going with friends, of course not everyone of the Marvel team likes me for example Evans, I will try to fix the things between he and I because I remember we used to be friends before all the Scarlett thing happened. I hated him so much for what he did to her but I know he is a good guy and if he wouldn't have done that Scarlett wouldn't have met Colin and I really like Colin he is good

Scarlett is helping me pack because we leave today and I haven't pack anything "Are you sure I can come with you?" I asked her once again "Y/N I already told you yes, I told Feige and he said he didn't have any problem with that but that I have to keep an eye on you and you need to get out of trouble" she said "So you will babysit me?" I asked her and she chuckle "No, you can have fun but just don't get in trouble" she said and I nod "Will Colin come too?" I asked her and she shook her head "Why?" I asked her surprised I mean I thought she would have want Colin to go with her it would be their first trip together "I couldn't ask Feige if I could bring two people besides he has work" she said

So she chose me? Aww that makes me feel so important to her "So you prefer taking me instead of Colin" I asked her and she huffed "Don't make it a big deal you are my best friend, it's fun being around you and well you keep me funny so why not" she said and I smirked "You chose me over Colin" I told her "I will change my opinion, if you keep talking" she said and I laughed "I wouldn't mind though, I mean I will understand if you want to go with Colin" I told her even if I'm not sure about that, one of my biggest secrets is that I'm so sensitive when important people to me choose someone over me, she shook her head "I do want to but I want to take you too, besides as I told you I don't think Colin can come because of his job" she said and I hummed

We continue packing "Hey will Rose stay with Romain?" I asked her and she nods "Yeah, I wanted to leave her with my mom but I got scared he would say I don't take good care of my daughter and that I always leave her with my mom or babysitters" she said "If he threatens you, you tell me and I will help ok" I told her and she nods "Rose was exited to stay with him so I am not that worried, I just hope he won't start telling her bad shit about me" she said "She loves you she wouldn't believe what he tells her not anymore" I assured her and she smile at me

We finished packing and we are resting on my bed "Dude you really didn't pack anything" she said "I told you that I wasn't sure of going" I told her "Why? Because Lizzie won't go?" She asked me smirking "That's not why" I told her "Yeah whatever, she told me about how you almost kissed again, why you didn't tell me?" She asked me "Because I wasn't thinking clearly when I was doing it, so I don't think it was a big deal" I told her "Yeah whatever you say, admit you wanted to kiss her" she said "No I didn't want to, now please let's talk about something else" I told her

"We are traveling in first class right?" I asked her and she nods "Yeah but it's a long flight so you should get some sleep until we have to go to the airport" she suggested and I nod "Do you have your luggage here?" I asked her and she nods "Yep is downstairs now go sleep I want to sleep too" she said and I nod

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