Unexpected surprises

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Lizzie's POV

2 months

I am already 2 months, we went today to the doctor and she told us that everything was alright, Y/N got so excited and happy, she wanted to know the gender but of course it was hard, the doctor told us that we can't know yet and that we will have to wait for a couple of weeks more, I am not that upset because we are going to know soon but I don't know why Y/N wants to know so badly, well maybe I do know, she just wants this to go fast

The not so much fun about my pregnancy is that I'm starting to throw up more and well, sometimes I wake up Y/N because I want something to eat, the other day I sent her to go find donuts, and well she took her time and when she returned I told her that I didn't want it anymore. The good thing is that this doesn't happen as much, but the doctor said that I was starting, and that it will become more and more frequent. Y/N said she didn't mind but I don't think that's true

We were laying on our couch eating blueberries and strawberries, I am between Y/N's legs as we watch the TV, "Baby" I called her name and she hummed "My mom has been asking me why we are being MIA" I told her "We are not, we are just resting until we need to go to Texas" she said calmly "Luca's birthday is next week" I reminded her "Yep I know my love" she said "Well we are going to see our family" I told her "I don't know if the twins are going to come they didn't come to my birthday" she pointed out and I rolled my eyes "And we didn't go to theirs, remember that their birthday is just one day before yours" I told her and she nods and kiss my head

She acted so dramatic about the fact that the twins didn't show up at her party, I mean we didn't go to their party in New York either because we really didn't feel like flying to New York and because we were both insanely tired, the twins understood but Y/N still wanted them here. Y/N hadn't stop caressing my tummy, she says that I already have a bump which I don't see if I'm honest, nevertheless I really feel different. I fucking love it when she caresses my tummy it makes me feel better and it makes me feel loved and I'm sure that our little bean there feels loved too

Even though I want to believe that I have a bump, I really don't see it nor do I feel it but she said I do have it and if I tell her no she gets upset so I just nod at her and kiss her hand or forehead. I was getting bored so I decided to turn around to face her instead, she pouts and I looked at her confused "What?" I asked her trying to hold my laugh "I wanted to keep rubbing your bump" she said and I giggle and peck her lips "We should start thinking on names don't you think?" I asked her and she hummed thinking "But we don't know the gender" she pointed out "We could start saying names of both genders, which ones you like and which ones you don't" I told her

She looks at me confused, I don't know why she doesn't want to start brainstorming some names, I mean I don't want to be the kind of parent who calls their child baby because they didn't think about names before labor, "Don't you want to have options of names?" I asked her "I do but I really have no idea" she said and I chuckled, I thought it was because she didn't want to think about it right now, but of course she doesn't have ideas. Before I could tell her my options someone knocked the door, we are not expecting anyone so we looked confused at each other

Y/N went to open the door, maybe is some package we bought or something like that, when she returned she threw at me a hoodie making me confused "Put it on" she whispered to me and I did what I was told "We are here to see what are you hiding from us" my mom shouted and I looked at our families shocked "What are you all doing here?" I asked them and looked at the twins who are trying to get Y/N to look at them but as dramatic as my wife is of course she is not looking at them and she is acting like she is hurt

I decided to just look at my wife and ignore my mom "Where is Bo?" Luca asked me "He was here but when you knocked the door he went somewhere else" I told him and he hummed and went to search for him "So are you guys going to tell us what are you hiding!?" Sofia asked "Really Y/N are you going to be mad at us, you didn't come to our party!" MK complained but Y/N just walked toward me and sat with me. I kissed her head and my sisters rolled their eyes "We couldn't come, we were hangover we didn't want to take a plane" Ashley said

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