Not everything goes as planned

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Lizzie's POV

"Baby you can go we will be alright" I told my wife for the hundredth time. She has to go to the office but she really doesn't want to go but they need her there, I told her that is fine I mean I understand that she has to work and it's not the first time I stay alone in the house I mean lately she has been working more and she has been going to the office more often but I don't know why she really doesn't want to go now, I mean yeah it's so hard to make her sure that I will be fine but now she is more stubborn than usual "You are still here I thought you were already gone" Scarlett said as she enters the kitchen

I don't know how she enters the house every time I mean I don't think she has a key and I know for sure I closed the door "What are you doing here? Not that bothers me" I told her "Y/N wanted me to stay here with you she is being paranoid about you being alone but yeah, also I wanted to come and see you I mean I feel like ever since you got pregnant you two stopped talking to me" Scarlett said "Don't be dramatic where are the kids?" Y/N asked her "Rose is at school and Cosmo is with his dad spending time with him" she responded and Y/N pout making me giggle, she loves him so much

I walked toward Y/N and wrapped my arms around her neck "You can go, we will be alright and Scarlett is here so if something happen we will call you" I told her "You promise?" She asked and I nod and pecked her lips "Don't be a baby Y/N and go to work!" Scarlett told her and as Y/N walked she pushed Scarlett a little making Scarlett chase my wife to give her a punch, but she didn't catch her, she was already on her motorcycle. I laughed at them, they are such a kids

Scarlett helped me to sit down on the couch "So why didn't Y/N want to leave you? Is she every time like this?" She asked me and I shrugged "I don't know I mean it is not the first time but today she acted weird and it was like she knew something was wrong and that she needed to be with me" I tried to explain her "And is something wrong?" She asked and I shook my head hesitantly "No, I don't think so I mean yesterday and the day before yesterday I have had contractions, but I think that's normal" I explained her and she hummed "I mean yeah it's kind of normal just remember if the contractions are really painful and they are constantly we need to go to the hospital" she said and I nod

I already knew that I mean Dr. Garcia explained that to us but I don't think that's necessary at least not yet I mean yeah the contractions are very painful but I think they are not so constantly so that's fine "Does Y/N knows about this?" She asked and I shook my head "Lizzie" she scolded me "I can't tell her she worries too much and I don't want her to worry nor to bother her she has been such a good person to me she is really the best she has been taking care of me and she has been so good to me even when I'm so rude with her" I explained her trying to justify why I didn't tell her

Scarlett now looks worried and this makes me worried I mean she knows more about pregnancy than me, she has been pregnant twice "What? What is wrong?" I asked her and she shook her head "No nothing I mean I'm just worried that's all, I think Y/N should be here you know just if something happen" she said and she grabbed her phone "No no no, do not call her I am fine, I already talked with Dr. Garcia" I lied to her not wanting her to disturb my wife "Oh you should have started with that" she said and I see that she relaxes, I don't think this is a big deal she is just overreacting

Y/N told me she wasn't going to be home early because she has a lot of work and she has to go to the courthouse so she will take more time "Scar is ok if you have to go I will be fine" I reassured her "I don't want to leave you alone, besides if I do Y/N will kill me" she said and I huffed "She will understand" I told her but she shook her head "What if something happen to you and I'm not here nor Y/N no it's better if I stay" she said "Nothing will happen, not today" I told her "You don't know that, I mean Lizzie you are about to explode" she said as she stands up

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