I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with you

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As I was driving I remember that I don't have my vows "Fuck" I mumbled not wanting Lizzie to hear me but I was a little bit loud so she of course heard me "What?" She asked me, I sighed nervous "I don't have my vows" I told her "I don't have them either, we will just have to talk with our heart" she said as if it's the easiest thing, I know she can do it but I suck at expressing my feelings "You know I'm not so good at it and I'm worst when there are people there" I told her

She took my hand and give it a kiss "Baby it will be just the two of us, I know there will be Tom and Zendaya too but we can imagine it's just the two of us, you don't have to tell me a lot of things baby, just tell me how you feel, I can promise you whatever you tell me it will be perfect" she tries to calm me down "Ok but please if I suck let me know" I told her and she giggle "Baby there's no way you are going to suck even if you don't believe it, when you open your heart you say a lot of sweet and the right things" she said "It's only when I'm with you" I confessed her and she smile "That's why I'm in love with you, and we are going to marry" she said and lean in to kiss my cheek

Ok so I will just have to imagine that no one is there, and it's just the two of us I can do that, I can tell her how I feel, I will not think about it, I will just say it, it is better when I don't think what I have to say, it helps me to not overthink, but I can't control what I say so I'm afraid I will say something wrong. It's Lizzie, she will not judge me, as she said she will love it, she makes me feel secure so I will just take her hand, open my heart and look at those eyes I love the most, she will calm my nervous down I'm sure of it

We arrived, and I help Lizzie to get out of the car "We are really doing this" I said out loud as we enter "We are, we still can go back if you are not sure about this" she said "I'm sure about this, are you sure about this?" I asked her and she nods looking at me, with that smiley face "I'm sure, a 100% sure" she said confident, making me notice how sure and happy she is about this, "Then let's do it" I told her and she couldn't help but lean in for a kiss

Thank god Tom and Zendaya didn't take so much to arrive, Tom is smiling at me, in a way that makes me want to cry, I don't know but that face looks like a face Leo would give me, he looks proud, it's like Leo is here and he is looking at me, Lizzie notice that I am staring at Tom as they walk toward us "What's wrong?" She asked me so I pulled apart my gaze, and look at her "It's just for a minute I really thought Tom was Leo, I swear it was like I saw his face on Tom's face" I told her and she smile at me "He is here with us" she said smiling

I looked at Tom again but I don't see Leo's face again, I just sighed and smile, at least I've got the chance to see Leo's smile again and I'm happy for that, as Lizzie said he is here with us and he is happy for us, I know he is "So guys are you sure about your decision?" Tom ask wanting to make sure and Lizzie and I nod "But you can't tell anything and please don't tell anyone you were here, because they will get angrier if they know you two where here when we got married" I told them and both of them nod "It will be our little secret until you two decide to share it" Zendaya said and I smile at her

They received us and we are now, celebrating our wedding, I'm nervous but I'm looking at Lizzie's eyes so it helps me calm my nervous. It's going to start "We are gathered here today to join Y/N Andrea Mancini and Elizabeth Chase Olsen in holy matrimony........... bla bla bla..... Do you have vows?" He asked us and Lizzie nod even though I really wanted to say that we don't, "Who will start?" He asked and I give Lizzie a look telling her I want her to start, I don't want to be the first one

Lizzie just smile at me, she is making fun of my nervousness "Y/N you came into my life and I didn't even know how drastically you were going to change it, when I saw you and talked to you for the first time I felt attracted to you in way I didn't understand, when we start hanging out I just spent my whole day thinking about you, I wondered what were you doing, I even wanted to know if you have eaten that day, how you dressed, I was and I am so drowned by you and at first it scared me, because as you know I thought I was in love with another person, but I was wrong, you show me how love really feels, you make me know my value, you make me feel safe and the most important thing, you made me feel loved since the first time we talked, it has been a hard journey for the both of us but I would not change anything, we suffered but that made us stronger as a person and as a couple, I know I can be hard sometimes but you always make me feel that there is nothing wrong with that, you support me with every decision I take, you are the one for me, and I have known it since the day you listened to me and you made me feel like I was important, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I know you are the one for me because there is no one else like you, there is no one else that makes me feel like you do, there is no one else that loves me like you do, and I want to build a family with you, I know you will love our children as much as you love me, because you have so much love to give, you show me that every day I spend with you, I promise to you, to be more patient and less jealous, ok no I don't promise not being jealous I just I can't help it, I promise to be there for you in your best times and your worst, you will never be alone, I love you Y/N Mancini, just you"

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