You're allowed to be home and still feel lost

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Lizzie's POV

1 week later

I haven't seen Y/N since a week, you would say a week is nothing, but if I'm honest this week I felt it like it was 1 year, I'm so sad, I cry all the day, I pray for Y/N to come back to me, I pray that Y/N is not suffering so much, but I know that is not true, they must be hurting her as much, sometimes I can't help but wonder if the love of my life is still alive

Scarlett has been coming a lot to the house, which annoys me, do not get me wrong I love Scarlett but I haven't been feeling good, and I just want to be alone and to have no one to bother me. Besides I need to concentrate on Y/N I do not know what I will do without her, she is my other half, I can't believe she is not with me

I was on my room, laying on the bed we used to share the place we used to sleep together, the room feels empty without her, the bed is cold, her side of the bed looks like it hasn't been used in years, and it just have been a week. I didn't realize that my pillow is so wet for the tears that are coming out of my eyes, I just want Y/N back, this is killing me, I need her

When I was laying on my bed I started hearing noises downstairs, it sounds like someone is making breakfast, but as much as I want to believe that the one who is down the stairs is Y/N making breakfast for us, I know that it is not true. I have been dreaming that she is with me and all of this shit is just a nightmare, I love to sleep because in my sleep I can see her

Maybe that can be a good thing, that I dream about her and that she is ok, I mean Y/N was having nightmares about something bad happening to her or me, and now she is not here, maybe I am dreaming this because there is still hope that we can find her, I know maybe I'm just saying this because I miss her as hell, but it might be true, I want to believe it is true

I decided to go downstairs to see who is the person who came today to make sure I do not kill myself. I have started to hate all the people, I know they are just trying to help, but the only way they can help me is to bring my Y/N back. I entered the kitchen and I saw Sofia, she is the only one I do not hate, she and Luca. When we had to tell Luca that Y/N isn't here I couldn't see him, he started noticing that something was wrong, he asked his mom to see Y/N but Sofia told him he couldn't see her now

Luca thought Y/N was sick and that's why he couldn't see her but then the day before yesterday they had to tell him that we do not know where is Y/N, I couldn't be there and look at his sad face. He started blaming Y/N and hating her but Scarlett told him that Y/N didn't want to go but that they forced her. I wanted to be the one there for Luca, the one who explained him what is happening but I couldn't do that, I am too sad to be there for someone else

When Sofia saw me she smiled sadly at me "I am not going to ask how are you" she said making me chuckle tiredly "I made breakfast" she said "I am not hungry but thank you" I told her and then Scarlett came, I think who I hate the most is Scarlett, she forces me to be fine when I can't be fine not until I know if Y/N is ok and when she is here with me. "You have to eat Lizzie" Scarlett told me "I am not hungry Scarlett so please leave me alone, I just want to sleep" I told her "You just woke up and you want to go back to sleep, no Lizzie that is not healthy" she said

And that's why Scarlett it is not my favorite person right now, I know that she just wants to help me but I do not want help I want Y/N and it seems they do not understand that, I just walked to my room and on my way there I heard Scarlett sighing, I know I can be difficult sometimes but I don't know what to do about it, I am lost

I decided to take a shower to feel somehow a little bit better but I feel the same if I'm honest, I wanted to think I was going to feel better but I won't feel better until Y/N is with me. After my shower I decided to go out of the house and maybe if the ones who took Y/N see me they might take me too, and in that way I will be with Y/N

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