Carry on with courage

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  September 18

We finished filming the Black Widow movie, I know I should be excited but I mean a part of me didn't want to finish the project because of two things, the first one, because is my first project like this one, and it's a Marvel project, and the second one because that means we can go back home to LA, and if I'm honest I'm scared to go, not knowing what can happen to us

We are in Atlanta, and they didn't come here, Lizzie and I were so fucking worried about they coming here to Atlanta, but they didn't which means that they can't go out of LA. Tomorrow we will leave Atlanta and we will head to LA. We couldn't done anything to put those motherfuckers back in jail so yeah that's why we are worried, even Scarlett is worried. Lizzie tries to hide her nervousness but I know she is scared and nervous too

I couldn't sleep last night, so I was the first one who woke up, I packed some of the things we didn't pack yesterday, to kill the time. When I finished packing some of the things, leaving the things we need and we are going to use today, I went to make breakfast for us, I decided to do some eggs with bacon and orange juice, it's simple and well I do not feel like doing something else and something better

As I was cooking breakfast I feel a pair of arms sneaking around my waist, Lizzie is already awake, I think I am not the only one who couldn't sleep last night, "Good morning my love" I greeted her as I turn my face a little to leave a kiss on her head "Morning, Why aren't you in bed?" She asked me "I couldn't sleep, and I decided to make breakfast" I told her and she hummed "And you packed our things too" she pointed out and I nod my head "Did you sleep well?" I asked her and she shook her head on my shoulder

I can't see her sad so I have to be positive for her, even though I don't believe what I am going to tell her "We are going to be ok, they haven't called me that means they won't do anything to us, and I do not think they will know that today we go back to LA, we have nothing to worry about" I told her and because she wasn't saying anything, I decided to turn and face her

I cupped her face "I know you Y/N, I know you do not believe that and you are just saying it for me not to worry anymore" she said softly and with hurt in her voice. I kissed her forehead "I will do everything I can to protect you, I promise, nothing will happen to you, you will be safe" I told her "You will do everything to protect us Y/N not just me, nothing will happen to us" she said remarking the word us. I sighed because I can not promise her that nothing will happen to me, so I just nod and hugged her

She let me hug her and then I pulled apart, "What if you help me to do breakfast? To keep our mind busy" I asked her and she nods trying to give me a smile. We started making breakfast both of us, then Scarlett came in a rush getting us worried "Do you guys have everything ready?" She asked us, referring as if we already packed and we both nod "Yeah we just have to pack some things that we need now, and to change our clothes" I told her and she hummed

Then she walked to served her the food we made, she went to sat "Thank you guys for this, it's really tasty" she said as she eats, she is eating so fast making us confused "Dude why are you in such a rush?" I asked her "I want to see my baby and Colin" she said and then I remembered that I haven't asked her if Colin kept acting like a dick, after I talked with Colin I didn't know what happened "So I'm sorry but I didn't ask you if you were good now with Colin?" I asked her and she nods smiling

I think they are more than good, "We are perfect, he apologized with me and he explained me why he was acting like that, he bought me something, a beautiful bracelet with the date when we first met, and yeah we have been talking a lot, we are fine and yeah" she explained to us, she is clearly in love with that man. We continue eating and then Lizzie and I went to have a shower

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