Nothing feels heavier than unsaid words

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Lizzie's POV

November 25

It's now November almost December, these few months ago have been tough, I had interviews about Sorry for your loss and my incoming projects, some of them ask about Y/N but I make sure to always answer that people shouldn't said awful things to couples they don't like because they don't realize how much it affects us, of course I have never said that I cheated on Y/N I ask Scarlett that if Y/N minded if I omitted that part, and as always Y/N told her that she doesn't care what I say or not say just that she asked me not to lie about it or put her like the bad guy which she is not of course. Winning her back is more difficult that I thought, I am trying my best but she doesn't yields, the good part is that she stopped being so mean with me

After knowing that Scarlett and Y/N kissed I couldn't help but feel jealous like so jealous, I mean I thought Scarlett was just pretending to help me because if you want to help a friend of course you will not kiss her girlfriend, well in this case ex girlfriend that I'm trying to get back. Anyways Scarlett assured me that she doesn't want anything romantic with her which I believe because it seems that she really likes this guy Colin, I haven't meet him but with all the things Scarlett has told me I know he is a good guy

Today I have a photo shoot with the darling magazine which my sisters recommended Y/N to be the photographer, they told the person in charge of the photo shoot that Y/N is pretty good and that they have worked with her and that they love the pictures she takes. I asked my sisters for help and they told me they will try because like all the other people they don't want Y/N to be mad at them, and days ago they told me what they did. I'm happy that my sisters love Y/N and don't want to make her upset by helping me, so they told me that they also recommended her to other people but that they didn't tell them to work with her that they will have to decide. So today I might or might not see Y/N

The photo shoot is until 12:00 that means in 2 hours, I already have breakfast and I'm eager to go because if Y/N is there I will finally see her, I haven't seen her since ufff I guess it was at Scarlett's house she was leaving and I was arriving to the house she saw me but ignored me, that was 2 or 3 weeks ago so yeah I want to see her. I know I can just drive to her house and see her but also I know she doesn't want that, I'm trying not to be so suffocating with her because I don't want her to hate me, I just want to kiss her. I miss her so fucking much

I was gardening but my mind doesn't stop thinking if Y/N will be there I was getting so anxious so I am going to call my sisters maybe they know something

Me: Hey beautiful sister

MK: Why are you acting weird?

Me: I am not acting weird

A: Uhm yes you are, and should I be offended you didn't greet me

Me: Hey beautiful sisters, sorry Ash I didn't know you were listening

MK: Yes you knew because you know we are working and you called to the phone we both share

A: What do you want Lizzie?

Me: I just wanted to say hello to my sisters

A: Yeah we don't believe you

Me: Ok I also wanted to know if you knew if Y/N will be taking the pictures of my photo shoot with the darling magazine?

MK: Oh that's why you are calling

Me: Please you need to tell me I haven't seen her in weeks and I want to see her

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