Living away from home

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We are now in Texas, Lizzie is already four months pregnant, she already has a little bump, she still denies it but I can see it so I keep telling her about it, no one knows about her pregnancy, but she will start filming soon, which worries me a lot because her character is a murderer so I think the scenes she will film are going to be rude and something like that. I already told her that she needs to be super careful because I don't want her to get hurt neither the baby, she thinks that I am just worried about the baby which is false, I am as worried for her as I am for the baby

What she doesn't understand is that I would never be happy if we have a baby but she doesn't survive, I haven't tell her that because I don't want to worry her but it is true, I mean I would never survive if she dies, she is my everything I can't live without her. I was fixing some things on the house, while Lizzie is on the backyard with Bo, both of them hate the yard and it makes me laugh. I mean if they hate it why are they always there, it just makes no sense

I finished fixing it, and then went to the garden, Lizzie is sitting in the couch and she is reading a book while she caress Bo's little body, she smile as soon as she saw me she gestured me to come closer to her so I did it, and she puts her legs down for me to sit down. I sat and she switch to be closer to me and show me what she is reading "Look here says that the baby can listen to us even if they are inside" she commented me and I giggle, I already knew that but I let her continue telling me, she is rambling of how cute and amazing it is and that if we talk to them, we will create a connection

She continue reading out loud, until she got tired and put her book down and turned her face to me "Hi" I mumbled as I continue rubbing her tummy "Hi baby" she said smiling tiredly "You tired?" I asked her and she nods "I want to go inside" she said and I nod and stood up, she stay sat making me confused "Let's go" I told her "Carry me?" She requested cutely, I know she will be a little heavier now but still I carry her "It's clear you have a baby there" I told her as I walk inside the house "Why?" She asked

I want to tell her why but I don't know if she will get mad I mean the hormones are so weird "Why are you saying that?" She repeated "You are heavier" I decided to tell her she just chuckle, I guess she didn't get mad before we got to our room she was trying to let herself down so I put her down she opened the door of our room and step inside but before I could step inside she slam the door shut on my face. I guess she did get angry. I knocked the door hoping she would open it "Baby don't get angry I didn't say anything bad" I told her trying to convince her that I didn't mean it in a bad way

I knocked again "You fucking told me that I am fucking fat" she yelled "I told you that you were heavier because you are pregnant you are carrying our child" I told her sweetly but got nothing in response "I didn't mean to offend you I just wanted you to know that you are heavier which is great because our baby is growing and we will meet them soon" I told her "Go away I don't want to see you" she decided and I heard that she entered the bathroom

I guess I will not sleep in our bed, I sat on the couch and turn on the T.V, I knew she was going to get angry, I guess I shouldn't have mentioned anything I should have stayed quiet, now I will sleep here. I knew she was going to get emotional because of the pregnancy I knew it was going to be difficult but it is really hard to talk to her when I don't know if she will get mad or not. As I was watching the TV my phone start ringing, I hoped it was going to be Lizzie but it's not, it's MK

Me: Hey MK

MK: Hi Y/N how have you been?

Me: I'm great thanks, you?

MK: I'm good, I was calling Lizzie but she didn't answer it, can you hand her the phone

Me: Uhm she is in the bedroom

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