I don't want to stop making memories with you

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Today I will go back to London, Lizzie doesn't know it she thinks I'm arriving tomorrow, but I'm going to be there at 4:00 pm and the good thing is that she will be home because they are almost done with the movie so they are just calling them for the last scenes and some reshoots and I texted Benedict and he told me that they were free for the day so she must be home, Jarnette is no longer there, she had to go with the twins, because they needed something so my wife must be alone with our son

I arrived to London, but before going to the house I stopped to buy Lizzie some flowers. After that I went straight to the house, I decided to knock knowing that if I come in without her knowing I'm coming she can get scared and I don't want that so I knock the door. As soon as she saw that it was me she put her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck, I had to drop my bag to catch her "Hi my love" I greeted her as I kiss her head "What are you doing here? I thought you were coming until tomorrow" she said "I finished everything earlier so here I am, I missed you so much" I told her as I get inside the house, kicking my bag inside the house because my hands are busy

I put her down, and she saw the flowers "These are for you beautiful" I told her and she took them and smile sweetly at me before giving me a kiss, I really miss kissing her and it was just for a couple of days. She put the flowers in a vase and I greet Bo "Hi baby boy, did you take care of mommy while I was gone?" I asked him as I caress his little head, I'm so happy that he is so happy to see me, it makes me feel loved. Lizzie came back and we decided to sit on the couch, apparently she has something to tell me

Bo decided that he wants to be with us so he is laying on Lizzie's legs while Lizzie is laying her head on my chest with her legs on my lap "What do you want to talk about?" I asked her "The results, the doctor sent me the results" she said taking me by surprise so I moved her to face me, it looks like something is wrong "Did you already see them? Why don't I have them?" I asked she cupped my face knowing I am getting anxious "Breathe baby, I haven't open it, and I don't know why you don't have them" she said and I sighed, I guess I do know, I mean if Lizzie has them is because everything is good with her and if I don't it's because I will not be able to give Lizzie one of my eggs

Lizzie noticed that I'm thinking about something so she peck my lips, I suppose she was talking but I zoned out "What's wrong?" She asked me but I don't want to tell her at least not yet "Can we see the results please?" I requested her and she nods as she grabs her laptop to open her email. I can notice that she is nervous too, I mean we don't know what we will fine there but I'm sure it's all good news but for me, I really think I can't give her my egg, I mean that fucking doctor did tell me I couldn't have babies well that it will be hard for me to have babies, but I don't know yet, I'm just making assumptions. Lizzie took a big breath and I caress the back of her hand letting her know that I'm here

She opened the email and we started reading she jumped and straddle my hips "Omg I am good, I can have babies" she said happy and it makes me happy too but I'm still feeling upset about the fact that I can not give her my egg, I really want our baby to have something of both of us but I guess it will be not possible, it affects me but I know I will get over it. Lizzie noticed that I'm happy but not too much so she stopped kissing my cheek and she cupped my face "What's wrong? Don't say anything because I know you well Y/N Olsen" she said and I couldn't help but chuckle, it sounds really good

I know I need to tell her, we have to be honest with each other "I don't have my results" I told her and she nods confused "I mean if I don't have them it must be because something is wrong, maybe as I told you I can't have babies and my eggs are not viables, they don't function and I can give it to you because it will be probably a waste of time I mean if they insert one of my eggs inside of you, if they insert it, we might lose the baby" I told her as I feel one tear slipping down my cheek "You said they haven't send you the results" she said and I nod "Then there is no way that it's true, you don't know it yet, we don't know baby, so please stop overthinking I know it's hard but I have a good feeling on this, we are having our baby and it will be with your egg" she assured me

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