We shine brighter when we're together

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    June 20

It has been 6 days since my birthday, Lizzie has to go, because she has a photo shoot to do, which is great but it is also so bad, I mean she is leaving. I know we have been spending a lot of time together this past few days but I know I will miss her a lot. When I am not working I spend my time with Lizzie, now I don't know what will I do "Baby I know you are still thinking about it" Lizzie said as she makes breakfast for us "I know, but I can't help it, I'm going to miss you as hell" I told her

She walked toward me, and got between my legs because I am sitting on a counter "I'm going to miss you too, but it will be for a couple of days or weeks, we can survive that my beautiful booger" she said but I'm still pouting "Stop pouting" she said before, standing on her tip toes, to start pecking my lips a lot of times until my pout disappeared and I replaced it with a smile. "Have I told you how much I love your smile" she said and I hummed in thought "No I don't think so, I can't remember" I told her jokingly and she giggles about it "Well I love your smile and I love you" she said before kissing me

Her phone rang so she went to see who it is, but first she flipped the pancakes, when she saw who it was her face dropped, making me confused "Is everything alright my love?" I asked her "Uh yeah e- I everything is fine" she said making me more confused, it's clearly she is not fine. I got off of the counter and walked toward her "Lizzie my love, light of my life" I told her earning a smile from her "We agreed on no lies remember?" I told her and she sighed

She stopped making breakfast, putting the pancakes that were on the pan on an other place because we do not want them to burn "I haven't told you something that I should have told you when I found out" she said making me worried "Is this about Aubrey?" I asked her and she shook her head "No, I mean I already told you what happened" she said and well she is right she did tell me what happened and that I was right about Aubrey liking Lizzie "Then what is it?" I asked her getting anxious about it

She took a big breath "Robbie lied to me" she said making me confused "About what?" I asked her "About he needing my help to get a contract with the producers" she said making me shocked. So this means that we broke up for nothing, that he lied to her and he made us broke up "What? Why? Why would he do that?" I asked her "He told me he was jealous and that he missed me, and before you freak out, even I think that's a little bit late, he told me that me pretending to be his girlfriend did help him, because the producers thought he was a really good man, anyways I just wanted to tell you" she said

I know it's not big deal but it does make me feel something, I mean Lizzie and I could have been dating for almost 2 years but because of him we can't, because of his fault we broke up. Lizzie doesn't look so mad about it "Why aren't you mad? I mean you look good, like it doesn't matter" I told her making her sigh "It is not like that, it's just that yeah he lied but then he didn't because he needed my help to keep pretending that I was his girlfriend, and I know this doesn't justify him, but he feels so sorry about it and he wants to see you to talk with you and apologize" she said

Now I'm wondering if she saw him while I was in Norway, away from her "Did he just text you?" I asked her and she nods "Yeah he is asking me when can he talk with you" she responded "How did you know he lied to you, he told you but when did he tell you?" I asked her "I was buying some groceries and well you know I always like to buy my things on the same store, he saw me there and he explained that me" she explained me and I nod slowly "Nothing happened Y/N" she assured me "Yeah sorry it's just, nothing never mind" I told her

Then it clicked me, then why did Robbie said he needed a video of them reassuring that they are a couple "So, what about the video?" I asked her and she sighed "He told me that he planned that, I mean he expected you to come and see us, but if you wouldn't have come, he would send you the video in an anonymous way" she explained to me and I sighed, I know I can't hate Robbie but ugh what a man, "Baby, he apologized" she said like she is defending him, "Why are you defending him? What he did is wrong, like so wrong, he made us broke up" I told her getting a little upset that it doesn't seem to affect her and something tells me that she already forgive him

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