Unbroken hearts tell no stories

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Lizzie and I are finally together, well not we are not, what I meant was that I finally accepted that I want her back too and that I want to try again. We talked about everything the day before yesterday, we let out everything, I told her that I lost her ring, she got a little upset but we are good now. I regret have gotten so mad that I burned the jacket she gave me for Christmas gift, I am glad that I didn't have everything she gave to me at that moment because I like to think that I still have somethings she gave me

After the day we spent together we went to Xenses, I was a little bit upset for not going to Xplor because it is so fun there but I really loved spending the day with her, yesterday we went to Xenses which is also fun but it's more relaxing. I loved spending time with Lizzie in Cancun, the sad thing is that we leave today, we are going to have breakfast maybe walk through the beach and then we will leave, our flight is at 5:00

I have been watching Lizzie sleep like for an hour, I don't want to wake her up because she looks so cute sleeping and the little snores are adorable. I know I need to wake her up because if we don't go to have breakfast Scarlett will come and she will not be happy about us still being in bed

I started kissing her face to wake her up and she opened her beautiful green eyes, I don't know how I tried to compared Lizzie's eyes with Daniel's eyes, Lizzie's eyes are unique and they are the most beautiful thing of the world besides her smile and her laugh and everything about her "Y/N?" She cut me off my thoughts "I'm sorry what?" I asked her "I said good morning but it seemed you zoned out" she said "Good Morning" I told her "What were you thinking about?" She asked me "Your beautiful perfect eyes" I told her and she blushed

She pulled me down and hugged me, I tried to not put all my weight on her but she told me it was fine so I did it, I love being this close to her, she keeps me safe but I don't know for how long that will happen, I know I should trust her but I just can't, not yet but I'm sure I will trust her soon "We need to stand up now if we don't want a scary Scarlett scolding us for still being in bed" I told her "You are right" she said but non of us move "You need to move, if you don't move I can't stand up" she said making me chuckle "So, you haven't move because I haven't not because you want to still be like this" I told her "Yep" she said and I moved but she pulled me down again "I'm kidding, I didn't want to move either" she said as she kisses my cheek

We stood up and I went to my room, I have to pack and I need a shower before I go to have breakfast. After my shower I packed my things, not all of them because I wanted to go for Lizzie. I returned to Lizzie's room and knocked on her door "I thought you were Scarlett" she said as she lets me in "Are you ready?" I asked her "Almost just give me a couple of minutes" she said and I nod and walked toward her bed and laid down a little "Are you still tired?" She asked and I nod as I yawn "A little bit, I will rest my eyes for a little just tell me when you are ready" I told her as I get comfortable again

Then I feel someone on my body, she literally jump, "Ugh Scarlett you need to stop jumping on top of me" I told her already knowing it's her "How did you know it was me" she asked me as I opened my eyes "I know your body" I told her instantly regretting it because it sounded bad "Ok guys I know you two kissed each other but did you do something else?" Lizzie asked us and Scarlett just keep laughing "That sounded so bad" she told me and I nod "I know" I told her ignoring Lizzie's question "Guys I'm here please answer the question" Lizzie requested "No, Lizzie we didn't do anything else than kissing, but I do know her body" Scarlett said and I laughed even more

I forgot that she saw me naked when I was on my house and I didn't know she was there "What does that mean?" Lizzie asked and I glared at Scarlett "Ups" she said looking at me "Tell me please" Lizzie said "After your birthday Colin and I stayed at Y/N's house but we didn't tell her so I was on the kitchen making breakfast when a very naked Y/N appeared" she explained to her "So you are telling me that you and Colin saw her body" she said "No, Colin wasn't there but Scarlett was staring at me so deeply" I told her and Scarlett punched me "Why were you naked?" Lizzie asked me "Because I was going to take a shower and I forgot my phone on the kitchen and I didn't know there were someone else on my house" I explained her "But that's on the past too, let's go grab breakfast I'm hungry" I told them and they nod

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