Problems begin when you don't communicate

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I was working on a case, and today I had to go to the courthouse to present it. Lizzie is working even though she is pregnant, the good thing is that in a week we are going to go to New York because we are spending the holidays there, all of our family will be there, which is a god thing but is also a bad thing because  we haven't seen them in a while and well we are sure they are going to bombard us with questions and we will get overwhelmed

I was already in the courtroom and my phone hasn't stop ringing, maybe it is an emergency so I signaled Gia to answer it for me. I looked at her "It's something about your wife" she mouthed me and I instantly got so worried, I couldn't help but excuse myself of the courtroom, of course it is not a good thing to do but I had to. They didn't tell me what happened to Lizzie, not because they didn't want to but because I didn't let them, they just told me that something happened to Lizzie and as soon as I heard that I hung up, I got super nervous and worried and now I'm in my way to her, driving as crazy

As soon as I arrived to set, I ran out of my car and I found her sitting on a chair as she drinks water I came closer to her "Are you okay?" I asked her alarmed as I check if she is injured "I'm good baby, who called you?" She asked me "That doesn't matter, what happened?" I asked her "Nothing, I'm okay" she said "Elizabeth Chase Olsen tell me what happened, we promised not to lie to each other" I remained her and she sighed "We were filming a scene and I tripped I didn't see where I was walking and I fell" she explained me and I sighed and hug her closely, she has tears on her eyes

I don't know if she is crying because it hurt her or because she is worried about our son "I'm sorry" she apologized "Baby you have nothing to be sorry for, all that matter is that you are ok" I told her "But our baby" she said as her bottom lip quivers "Do you feel anything different?" I asked her and she nods, this breaks my heart "What are you feeling?" I asked her "He didn't get excited when you talked, he isn't moving" she said

Well that's true, every since he started moving every time I said hello to him or he hears my voice he would get excited and something he would kick, I couldn't help but start crying too, "Hey my little boy can you hear me?" I asked as I whispered to her belly, she is trying to bring my face up, I will not accept that our baby is not there "How hard did you hit yourself?" I asked her looking up at her "Not too hard but I don't know I mean my belly got the floor too" she said as she wiped her tears "Baby can you hear me, it's me mama, please move, are you sleeping?" I asked him

I don't care that people is staring at us, and that they are telling us to take Lizzie to the hospital, of course I will take my wife to the hospital I just want to make sure my baby is still there "Please little bean make us know you are there" I whispered as I keep giving kisses "Omg did you feel that?" Lizzie said as she lets out a sob, I did feel it he kicked, I couldn't help but giggle, I really got worried "Ok now we go to the doctor, come on" I told her and Lizzie nods, I tried to carry her but she stopped me "As much as I want you to carry me, I'm carrying a little human so I'm heavier" she said and I chuckle

Even though she is heavier I would carry her anytime, if it means to give her comfort or to protect her, as we were on our way to the doctors I called the doctor and explained everything that happened, well not everything just what I know, Lizzie interrupted me and explained her everything with more details. As I drive I have my hand on her belly, caressing it, I know our son is here but what I don't know is if he is injured or something like that, so I'm still a little bit worried

"Ok moms, you have nothing to worry about, the baby is safe and healthy don't worry" she said and I let out a big sighed, "I really got scared" I confessed "Lizzie I know you have a very important and busy job but if you have the chance to take some time off please do it, right now it's not that necessary but when you turn 26 weeks please do it, if you feel it's too soon then when you turn 30-31 weeks, and that is already too much and risky, but as I said to all of my patients is your decision to make not mine, but of course that's my recommendation" she explained us

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