Regret is painful, be careful about your words and actions

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Lizzie's POV

I decided that I need to fight for Y/N, I gave her time and her mom told me that Y/N is fine so I think I already gave her enough space I mean she went away for months I need her to listen to me. I drove to her mom's house and knocked, I really hope she is here "Oh hi Lizzie I wasn't expecting you" Sofia said and I smile at her "Sorry I just came to talk with Y/N, I know no one wants me to talk with her yet but I really need to talk with her" I explained her and she smile at me and nods "That's good, I mean you really should talk with her but she is not home, she came earlier to grab some clothes" she said and I looked at her confused

Why did she grab clothes, "Why? Is she leaving again?" I asked her afraid of the answer "Oh no, she went to the gym and she needed clothes, because Guido returned a couple of days ago" she explained and that makes sense of course she doesn't want to stay here "And where is she staying?" I asked her "She told me with Scarlett but yesterday she stood with Brie I think, I don't know you know how she is she does whatever she likes and never tell me anything" she said and I laughed "Well I have an interview so I will talk with her another day, thank you so much it was great to see you" I said and she nods smiling at me

Then a car came and I looked at Sofia she looks confused I guess she is not expecting anyone. A man got out of the car and walked toward us "Hey sorry uh is this Y/N's house?" He asked, I decided not to leave because this is a total stranger "It depends of who is asking" she replied, I'm feeling like I know him I have saw him somewhere but I don't know where "My name is Daniel, I don't know if Y/N has talked about me" he said and I guess Sofia still doesn't know who he is, so Y/N didn't talk about him, he must not be important "I will call her" she said and walked inside

The guy came closer to me "You are Elizabeth Olsen right?" He asked and I nod "Why are you on your ex's house?" He asked and I chuckle "Sorry where did you met Y/N?" I asked him "Oh I met her in Rio, we became closer and we traveled together we went to Australia, Madagascar and to Canada we spent a lot of time together" he explained with a smile that I really don't like, that's why I knew him, I saw photos of him with Y/N. Oh boy you won't steal away Y/N from me I'm going to fight for her

Sofia returned "I'm sorry what was your name again?" She asked and I couldn't help but chuckle "Daniel" he said "Right, sorry Daniel but my daughter is out of town, she went with some friends and she doesn't know when she will come back she told me to tell you that you should have called her because she is not here" she explained to him and I looked at her confused she told me she was on the gym "Oh is just I wanted to surprise her" he said "Yeah but my daughter is impulsive, she likes to go to trips and she likes to live her life" she explained him "Yeah that's why I like her" he said and I glared at him. He realized what he said and cleared his throat "Well it was a pleasure Mrs. Mancini I guess we will see us around" he said and Sofia fake a smile

I think she doesn't like him either, he drove away and I turned to face Sofia "So, Y/N is out of town" I said and she laughed "I don't know who is this guy but Y/N was shocked that he was here and she told me to tell him that so I had to lie, you know a parent will do everything for their kids, besides I don't like him" she said and I laughed "Yeah it seems I have competition" I told her and she laughs more "He is not competition for you my dear" she said and I smile at her "Do you think they had something?, I mean he said he likes her" I told her and she shrugged "I don't know what Y/N did out there but I'm sure she doesn't want to continue whatever they had, and if I'm honest I don't think they had something" she assured me "I hope so, I need to rush, I have an interview it was so nice to see you Sofia" I told her as I walk away "Likewise hun, and be safe, I hope you I see you around" she said and I nod smiling at her

I love that Sofia supports me, I mean I don't know what would I do if she hates me for what I did to Y/N, I wanted to tell her the truth but I'm ashamed, I mean Y/N is her daughter how I am supposed to tell her what I did to her daughter. Anyways I need to go and do my interview

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