I will never leave you

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It has been two weeks since we started filming, everything has been going well, is tiring but I like what I am doing and having to watch Lizzie dressed like Wanda well you can imagine how fucking sexy is that. Lizzie hasn't had any nightmares, after that night she had nightmares but for just three days more I think, the nightmares stopped when she told me about them, she didn't want to tell me at first so I didn't push her, then she decided that maybe if she talks about them with me it could help her

The nightmares were about me, and when I got kidnapped, she dreamt that they killed me once, she also dreamt that she was seeing how they tortured me, she saw that I was screaming for her help but she couldn't move or do something to help me. The nightmares were literally the same, I was getting hurt by them and she couldn't do anything about it. I reassured her that I am fine now, and I am happy, that I already forgot about that and that she helped me to get over it

I could feel she was blaming herself again, so I had to stop that, it was not her fault, it was hard for me to convince her but then she accepted it, and well the nightmares went away, which I am so happy, I hated seeing her so hurt, waking up without breath, panting a lot and crying, letting out sobs, it really made me feel bad and useless, I didn't know how to help her, or what to do to calm her down, so yeah I'm happy that the nightmares went away

Lizzie was on her trailer, she didn't want to get out, I was already on set but she wasn't here "Where is Lizzie?" Paul asked me "She is still in her trailer" I told him as I keep looking at the door, I really want to go, run and see if she is fine, I know she is not comfortable with the outfit she has to wear today, today we are filming something about a magic show, and well she didn't like her outfit, she didn't like the fact that it is like a bath suit "Go I will tell them you two had and emergency and will take a couple of minutes" Paul encouraged me "Are you sure?" I asked him and he nods

I didn't think about it and ran to see if she is fine, I ran as fast as I could and tried to get into the trailer but it was locked "Lizzie baby, it's me Y/N" I said even though I know she recognizes my voice "Uhm what's up?" She said without unlocking the door "Can you let me in?" I asked her but get no response back "Liz?" I asked "Do you need something?" She asked me "Well we are waiting for you my love, can I come in?" I told her and she sighed but unlocked the door

I opened it and she was walking to the couch, then she was sitting on the couch with a cushion in front of her, I kneeled down and put my hands on her knees "What's wrong?" I asked her "I uh I..... I really don't like this outfit I lo.... I look awful" she said "Can you stand up so I can see you?" I requested her but she shook her head "Please?" I pushed a little making her sighed but she stood up "Do you want me to be honest?" I asked her and she nods slowly, still looking everywhere but my eyes "You look so fucking hot and stunning" I told her "You are just saying that because you are my girlfriend" she said and I gasped making her finally to look at me

I am not laying she looks so beautiful "I am your fiancée" I told her pouting and she smile a little "You are saying that because you are my fiancée" she corrected "You know I would never do that, I am being honest with you" I told her and she still seems unsure about whether I am saying the truth or not "You know what, you can't go out like this, everyone out there is going to fall in love with you, I can not let that happen, I will talk with my friend Kevin and tell him what the fuck is wrong with him, and I will ask him if he wants me to lose my fiancée and to make everyone fall in love with her" I told her

I stood up from the floor and walked to the door, I heard her laughed and she stopped me "Don't do that" she said and I looked at her confused "What?" I asked her "Don't go and tell him that, you know nothing of that it's true" she said and I shook my head "You are right I don't know if it's true but I don't want to take the risk" I told her and I was about to open the door but she stopped me again and pulled me into a hug "Thank you" she whispered and I kissed her head "For what?" I asked her "I was really feeling anxious and you calmed me down thank you" she said "I will always be here for you, always" I told her as I cupped her face and give her a kiss

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