I accepted it already but still makes me sad

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I thought if I see her I would break down, that I would hate her for what she did, that I would run away, that I would shout at her, but it didn't happen anything I thought it will. She looks as shocked as me, I mean it has been almost 3 months since we broke up. I looked at Scarlett and she has a guilty face, Scarlett walked towards me but Elizabeth stayed there. "I'm so sorry please don't be mad, you told me you were going to arrive at 12 but you didn't text me and it was already 2 so I went to eat and talk with Lizzie and then I saw your text and I had to ran but I couldn't leave her there she didn't have a car so I had" she started rambling and I hugged her "I missed you so much" I told her and she hugs me back "I missed you too, are you fatter?" She asked me making me laugh and pulled apart from her

I looked at her with my mouth open "What the fuck, I am not fat" I told her and she laughs "You look different, have you been working out more?" She asked and I nod "Yes I have, and I have been climbing mountains and doing a lot of activities so I am not fat" I told her and she keeps laughing "I'm sorry I just when I hugged you felt different, wait you are not mad I brought her?" She asked and I shook my head "It's ok, you couldn't leave her there and I was going to face her anyways, I didn't expect to face her today but the sooner the better and I didn't arrive at time because the flight was delayed" I told her and she hummed "Now please take me home I'm tired as fuck" I told her and she nods "Want some help?" She asked and I nod "Why you have more baggage?" She asked me "I bought a lot of things" I told her

We walked toward Lizzie and I took a big breath "Hey" I greeted her, now that I'm close to her, she looks awful, I mean don't get me wrong she is still beautiful but she has puffy eyes and she looks broken "H- Hi" she said and the she looked away "W- want some ... help?" She asked almost in a whisper. I can't stop looking at her, I want to hug her and give her some comfort but my body doesn't move "Yes help me with this Lizzie" Scarlett answered instead

We put everything on the trunk "I will go on the back if you don't mind, I want to lay down" I told Lizzie "S- sure" she said but she is still avoiding my gaze. We got on the car and Scarlett isn't driving she is making the things more awkward, she needs to put music or something. I know I wanted to tell her that I forgive her but I was not expecting to see her the first day I was back "So, where to?" Scarlett asked and I chuckle "Are you really asking that? I won't tell you to a bar I'm so tired I want to go home so take me home please" I told her and she chuckle "To your mom's place right" she said, what is she doing she is making the things worst "Yeah" I told her

I laid down and closed my eyes "So did you have fun?" Scarlett asked trying to make it less uncomfortable but she is making quite the opposite "I did, I went to a lot of places and made friends" I told her still laying down "Could you sit up, you will dirtying the back seat " she said and I scoffed but sit "I'm tired, you are a bad friend you care more about you fucking back seat than me" I told her and she smile at me "So you were saying, oh right your new friends where are they?" She asked me "They stay in Canada, they wanted to come but I told them to stay" I told her and she hummed "You don't want me to meet him" she said and I glared at her even if she isn't looking at me "I don't know what you are talking about, now please just drive and shut up we can talk tomorrow, today I don't want to talk I just want to sleep" I told her

Lizzie is so quiet, and she is playing with her fingers, she is anxious "Why you don't want me to know his name?" She asked me and now she looked at me because of the red light "Scarlett really please stop" I told her nodding at Lizzie to see if Scarlett will notice that she is uncomfortable. She looks at her and thank god she stopped talking, sometimes she is so dumb "So where is Rose?" I asked her as I yawned "Why you are so tired?" She ignored my question "The jet lag literally fucked me up, when we flew to Australia I swear I think we were 2 days on the plane, it was so fucking weird, then when we went to Madagascar was the same and when we flew to Canada it was a day before, that shit is so weird you get so confused and you don't know when to sleep" I told her and she laughed "So yeah I'm tired because the jet lag fucked me" I told her

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