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Lizzie's POV

  July 10

Y/N has been acting weird since last week, I don't know what is happening and Scarlett is not answering my calls nor my texts, I am afraid something bad happened. Tomorrow is my photo shoot, they told me it was going to be two weeks ago, but I don't know why they changed the dates. Today I will have an interview but I can't concentrate because all I think about it's Y/N and why she has been acting weird

I was getting ready when I got a call from Y/N, why is she doing awake I mean there is 11:00 pm, I didn't take long to answer her call

Me: Hi baby, I'm so glad that you call

Y/N: Hi love

I noticed that she has been crying, her voice sounded so broken

Me: Y/N please talk to me what is going on, what happened, you have been acting so weird with me and I don't know what to do

Y/N: I'm so sorry Lizzie

Me: Why are you apologizing for?

Y/N: Because I have been acting weird and cold with you and you do not deserve that

Me: That's fine baby just tell me why, please I really need to know

Y/N: I don't want to talk about it, but it has nothing to do with you, I promise you

Me: Ok, just please when you are ready talk to me

Y/N: I love you

Me: I love you too baby

Y/N: What are you going to do today?

Me: I have an interview

Y/N: Oh good luck, remember that even if you can't see me I am with you

Me: Why aren't you sleeping honey? You are supposed to be sleeping by now, Scarlett told me that you were getting earlier from work

Y/N: I couldn't sleep and I was feeling so anxious that I wanted to hear your voice

Me: Are you feeling better?

Y/N: Yes I am

Me: You should get some sleep, and please look out for yourself, I know how stressful it is all of this so please look out for yourself and when you feel ready talk to me, I am here to help you and listen to you whatever it is

Y/N: I will, good luck in your interview I love you

Me: Love you too

I am so worried about her, I don't know what is going on, the sound of her voice breaks me. I decided to hurry up because I want to go see Sofia and to see if she knows something. I showered, put on my outfit and told Clay to hurry up with my hair "What's wrong with your ass why are you in a hurry?" He asked as he does my hair "Because I want to go and see Sofia, something is wrong with Y/N and I want to know what" I told him "Did you already ask Y/N, instead of just going to ask her mom?" He asked "Of course I did, but she told me she wasn't ready to tell me, so it makes me more worried" I explained him

She is giving me a look that is annoying me "What?" I asked him "Do you think she cheated on you?" He asked "No, of course not, she told me it was nothing to do with me, and I know that is something about her, but I just don't know what is happening, besides she would never do that to me" I told him and he hummed "Well it would be like a revenge you know, I mean even if you just kissed your ex it was cheating" he said making me annoyed "She is not like that Clayton and why se you attacking her I thought you like her now" I told him "I'm sorry and yeah I like her but I couldn't help but ask, I mean Lizzie I have to take care of you" he said making me roll my eyes "You do not have to" I told him "Well I hope she is fine" he said and I sighed "Me too, me too"

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