Sunsets are proof endings can be beautiful too

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2 weeks later

The thing I love the most about here are the sunsets, god they are beautiful, one day Stefania and I got on a cable railway, you know that thing that is like hanging up with a little cable and you are in like a little car and it's moving in a slow motion for you to appreciate the view, and it's so high that you can see the whole city perfectly, it's really amazing, I took a beautiful photo of it when I was with Stefania

Then I decided to get on again because I wanted to take a picture of a sunset, the workers there told me that today there it is going to be a beautiful sunset, I really don't know how they know it because it's a natural phenomenon but I believed t...

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Then I decided to get on again because I wanted to take a picture of a sunset, the workers there told me that today there it is going to be a beautiful sunset, I really don't know how they know it because it's a natural phenomenon but I believed them and I returned and dude I'm so glad I returned Stefania didn't want to get on again and she lost the sunset, of course I took a photo of it, the worker got on with me and told me where I should take the picture and he really knew where

Then I decided to get on again because I wanted to take a picture of a sunset, the workers there told me that today there it is going to be a beautiful sunset, I really don't know how they know it because it's a natural phenomenon but I believed t...

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I wanted to post so badly on Instagram but I was afraid someone would know that I'm in Rio de Janeiro so I will wait and post it when I leave Rio. "Omg, Y/N we should go to the carnival, it's tomorrow night" Stefania said as I'm on the balcony "Yeah sure" I told her and she looked confused at me "When will you tell me what are you writing on that little book?" she asked me as she sits next to me "Nothing important" I told her as I close my book "You know that I know that this books was Leo's book, where he used to write his lyrics" she said and I chuckle "Why you didn't tell me you knew" I asked her and she shrugged "I wanted you to tell me, but it's alright" she said "I'm sorry, I know I should have told you, and please don't think I don't trust you" I told her and she nods "It's fine really, but I bought you something that might help you" she said as she walks to the couch

I followed her and looked at her weird, she is looking something behind te couch, while she is looking she hit her head with the wall, because it's so close to the couch, making me laugh "Don't laugh, this is your fault" she said and I scoffed, she grabbed the thing and showed it to me "Wow, Stefania you ready didn't have to buy me this" I told her and she smile at me "I know how you and Leo used to be a team he wrote the lyrics and created the beat and you sang the lyrics, but I'm sure you will be able to do it by your own and I think this guitar can help you and I didn't give you a birthday present, I tried to buy one that is similar to Leo's guitar" she started ramble and I walked to her and hugged her "Thank you so much, I really loved this" I told her on the verge of tears "I'm glad you liked it, it's time to go to the beach and watch the sunset" she reminds me and I nod while I pulled away from the hug "You should bring the guitar and the book to see if the beach helps you" she suggested me and I smile at her "Good idea" I told her

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