What's meant for you will stay

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Lizzie's POV

I woke up because of the sunlight hitting my face. I opened my eyes and I smile remembering last night, I didn't realize we fell asleep on the hammock. I moved a little to see Y/N's face she looks so peaceful and cute when she sleeps . I started caressing her face and she is waking up, she opened her eyes but closed them immediately "What's wrong?" I asked her "There are so much light that it hurts my eyes" she said and I couldn't help but laugh "Let's go inside then" I told her and she nods. She started walking inside but with her eyes still closed

I thought she was going to wake up fully but she just laid on the bed. I laid next to her, but she doesn't open her eyes. I move closer to her "Open your eyes it's time to wake up" I told her and she groaned "It's too early Lizzie" she said making me laugh "I know it is but we need to wake up now" I told her and she huffed but open one eye, I smile at her "We fell asleep last night" I told her "I know" she mumbled. Then she opened the other eye and I put my hand on her cheek "Good Morning" I told her "I don't know what it's good" she said "Maybe that we woke up together" I told her and she chuckle "Then good morning" she said

She was going to close her eyes again but I stopped her, she put one arm in my waist and pulled me closer "Don't go back to sleep" I told her "Why not?" She mumbled "Because I want you to be awake" I told her. It took her a little but she opened her beautiful eyes "I need to make sure you meant what you said yesterday, that you want to be with me again" I told her and she looked at me confused "Of course I meant it" she told me "So what does that means for us now?" I asked her "I need to go pee" she said as she stands up but then she returned "I do want to go pee" she told me making me confused "Yeah that's fine, go" I told her not knowing why she told me that "I am not using it as an excuse" she said and I laughed "Why would you use going pee for an excuse?" I asked her "You have no idea" she said and lean down to peck my lips and then walked away

She returned and laid back on the bed "So, we are going to talk?" I asked her and she looked at me and sighed "Sure about what?" She asked "The question I asked you before you went to pee" I told her "Oh that" she said and I nod "Uhm I really want to be with you but you need to know that I still don't trust you" she said avoiding my look, I turned her face to look at me "It's totally fine, I lost your trust, and I know it's going to be hard to earn it back but I think the hardest thing was convincing you to talk to me again" I told her and she chuckle "I know why you cheated but did you feel something when you kissed him or he kissed you whatever" she said "No, of course I didn't, well I did feel guilty and I regretted it instantly and then when I treated you bad and I saw how much it was affecting you I hated myself, also when I saw your eyes when I told you that I cheated, it totally broke me" I told her

I noticed that she has tears on her cheeks so I wiped them with my thumbs and get closer to her "Why are you crying?" I asked her but she is not talking "Hey please tell me what's wrong? Talk to me" I requested her "I just I hated being away from you, and I hate remembering how I was feeling when we broke up, and I just I can't help but be scared because I don't want to feel that way again" she said with her voice cracking and it breaks me hear her like that "I'm so sorry" I apologized and she shook her head "No no, I am not telling you this to make you feel guilty I uh I just I missed you a lot and I don't want to lie to you, and I hope you don't lie to me like never even if the truth hurts we tell each other" she said and I nod "I won't lie to you ever" I told her as I lean my forehead towards her

I can feel that she wants to tell me something else but she is not talking "Tell me what's wrong Y/N, I know you have something else to tell me" I told her and she nods "I know this will be so fucking difficult for me and maybe for you too but I want, no, I need to take things slow, if I'm honest I can't be in a relationship yet, and I can't be with you in any way until I can trust you" she said shyly, afraid that I will get mad or hurt. If I'm honest I am not mad nor hurt, I kind of understand her, I know it's difficult to trust again in the person you thought would never hurt you but at the end she hurt you. "I understand and we can't take things slowly, and not jump into a relationship, but I need to know that neither of us will date other people, and if we want to, that I'm sure I don't, we will tell each other" I told her and she nods "That sounds perfectly, and I don't want to date other people either, and we can't kiss or hook up with other people" she said and I nod

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