Be a priority not an option

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Today is the Avengers Endgame premiere, sadly I won't go with Lizzie but I'm still going so that's good, I wanted to go with Scarlett but she will take Colin, he finally asked her the question and Scarlett told me it was so perfect, she told me that he took her to a nice dinner and that he asked him in such a romantic way, I am happy that she is happy with him but I am not happy that she preferred taking Colin rather than taking me. I know I could have just tell Lizzie to invite me but I didn't tell her because I don't want people getting in our lives and start telling us bad things, besides we are not a couple, so I'm going with Brie, Lizzie didn't like the idea but Brie invited me and of course I told her yes, I want to watch this movie

I know it would be better if I go with Lizzie but I mean she got scared when people started being mean with us I don't want her to get scared again so it's better if the eye public doesn't know that we are together, well we aren't together but we are trying to be together again. Also I told Brie that she and I are just friends and I confessed her that I still have feelings for Lizzie, she told me it was all cool so we are still friends and I'm going to the premiere with her as a friend, nothing to worry about, just Lizzie's jealous because she is a jealousy person

Brie told me that she was going to send me my outfit, it hasn't arrive though. I didn't want to have to worry about my outfit so Brie chose it, and I'm cool with that I trust her so I know she will send me something cool. I need to be ready at 3:30, and Brie will come for me, I have time so I will play CoD

As I was playing someone called me ah fuck I hate when someone calls me when I'm playing, I always lose because I get distracted, I answered and put the phone on speaker I have to keep playing

Me: What?

L: Oh someone is grumpy this morning

As soon as I heard Lizzie's voice I had to stop playing she deserves my full attention, I thought it was going to be my mom scolding me about slapping Roger's face

Me: I'm sorry I was playing and I didn't want to stop

L: So I interrupted your super important game

Me: Kind of I mean I was playing CoD so I didn't want to lose

L: I can hung up and leave you with your little game

Me: Nope, I already stopped playing

L: I'm more important than your game!!

Me: I didn't say that Olsen, but anyways how are you doing? Are you nervous?

L: A little bit, the last premiere I went I had you by my side

Me: You went alone to the premiere of Sorry for your loss

L: Yeah but it's different

Me: I will be there

L: Yeah but you will be as Brie's date

Me: As a friend who loves marvel and who Scarlett Johansson changed for Colin, I asked Scar and she said she will take Colin, Can you believe she prefers him over me, that's so bad

L: Colin is her boyfriend so of course she was going to go with him, why you didn't ask me to go with me?

Me: You didn't invite me either so and don't say you didn't know I wanted to go because you know how much I love Marvel

L: But still I

Me: Lizzie you are about to start and argument, I'm going with Brie because she is my friend and she did invite me

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