There's always light after the dark

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I already told the twins about my proposal and they are so excited and happy for us, I told them like a million times that they can't tell Lizzie about it, I know they know that but still I wanted to make sure, they sometimes can be so dumb, that I am afraid they tell something to Lizzie. I showed them the rings and they gave me their opinion of each one, it wasn't a lot of help but their opinions matter to me, so yeah, I also invited Jarnett to dinner and before I could tell her about me proposing Lizzie, Ashley spilled it out and as I said the twins are dumb

Anyways Jarnett was so happy for us, and she threatened the twins that if they say something to Lizzie she will kill them so I'm more relaxed about they spilling it out. I told them everything I have planned and they said Lizzie will love it, then they asked me if I already knew what I was going to wear and fuck I forgot about that part, they calmed me down saying they will pick it up for me, I trust them because they really dress nice and they have their own brand so I know they will find something pretty for me. They haven't bring it to me though

Lizzie called yesterday telling me she arrives today, they let her come one day before thanksgiving which I'm so grateful about, that means we can spend more time together, but also freaked me out because that also mean the date of the proposal is so close I mean I will propose her the day after tomorrow, so yeah I'm so nervous even though I know Lizzie will say yes but I can't help but be nervous

I was cleaning the house because I feel like it's a mess, every place I am, is a mess. As I was cleaning it I got a call it's from Lizzie, wasn't she supposed to be on a plane

Me: Hi my love what's wrong?

L: Hi baby, can you come and pick me up I'm already here

Me: Already?! Why so early?

L: I thought you were going to be happy

Me: I am happy and surprised but you should have told me I don't want you to wait for me

L: I know baby, I just got an earlier flight and I took it not thinking it twice but I don't mind waiting I will enter a coffee shop text me when you arrive

Me: I will go fast see you in a bit

L: Do not drive fast, take your time love bug, it's fine

Me: Ok see you love you

I hung up and went fast to the car and drive to LAX. I can't wait to see her, and hug her and kiss her, god I really miss my girl. I arrived and texted Lizzie, but I couldn't wait for her in the car so I got out of it and walked into the airport to see if I can see Lizzie. I finally see her and she made eye contact with me and started running toward me, she was getting closer and closer and she was so fast so I prepare for the impact. Lizzie jumped in my arms and thank god I caught her, she started kissing my whole face, ending on my lips

She doesn't care that we are on the airport and that a lot of people must be watching us, but if I'm honest I do not care either "I missed you so much" I mumbled against her lips "Take me home" she requested and I nod, I had to put her down but she was pouty about it so I kissed her pout away, I carried her bags and as soon as we got out we were welcomed by a lot of fucking paps, I keep Lizzie close to me, and helped her to get in the car, as soon as she was secured I put the bags on the trunk and got in the car as well, ignoring all of their questions

I drove us to our place, Lizzie holding my hand and sometimes giving me kisses on my cheek or hand. "I really missed you baby" she said and I smile "I missed you too, and Bo misses you, I didn't get the chance to tell him I was coming to pick you up" I told her as I realized I left my child "Baby it's fine he will be fine" Lizzie assured me "I never leave without him" I told her "He will be fine, do not worry about him" she said but still I can't help but feel guilty for leaving him without even telling him where I was heading to. What kind of mother does that?

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