What we love the most, hurts the most too

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Lizzie's POV

She looked at me like I am a stranger. Sofia walked toward me "She is fine Lizzie" she said with happy tears on her eyes, she is happy that her daughter woke up, "She doesn't remember me" I whispered but she heard me "What? Why are you saying that?" She asked me shocked "She looked at me like I was a stranger, she doesn't look at me with love eyes, she looked at me so confused" I explained her

Then the doctors came out, and approached to me "Uhm she was in so much pain, we had to put some meds, so if you want to go inside before she fall asleep again you should do it, just please do not overwhelm her too much" he told us and we nod. We entered the room and she keeps looking at me like she doesn't know me. The first one who approached her was her mom "How are you doing baby?" She asked her but Y/N just shook her head, I guess that means she does not feel good

Everyone is looking at me confused, I mean I haven't go and talk to her, and before she woke up I was next to her holding her hand, everyone went to say hello to Y/N, and it just me now "Lizzie are you not going to come closer to her?" Scarlett asked me and Y/N is looking at us "She doesn't remember me" I told them as my voice breaks. She looks guilty, Y/N is looking at me like she is trying to see if she knows me, but she doesn't talk, I guess she doesn't feel good to talk

I didn't even know that someone called the doctor "We are going to see why she cant remember" Dr. Montgomery said "Ms. Mancini you can her me right?" He asked her and she nods "Do you know everyone on this room, excluding me?" He asked her and she looked at me and shook her head "Ok do not worry we are going to see what happened" he told her and then a nurse came, and the doctor asked for some studies

She keeps looking at me and because I am feeling like I'm going to break down here I had to got out of the room. So I ran out, this is what I was afraid of, she forgetting about me, how could this happen. I entered a bathroom to cry. It seems that we can't be happy. Then I heard someone entered so I had to contain my sobs "Lizzie?" The one who entered it's Scarlett, I know I am mad at her but I need someone to comfort me

I got out of the bathroom and Scarlett looked at me with sadness on her eyes "They are going to fix this Lizzie, she will remember you, she can't forget you, you are the love of her life, you are the person who brought her happiness when she thought everything was already lost, you are the only one she loves so much, she will remember you, just give her time" she said "What if she doesn't, what if she won't remember me again, what am I supposed to do?" I asked her "Do not think about that right now, let's wait a little more, the doctors will find something, she will remember you I know she will" she told me

She was going to hug me but I know if someone hugs me I wont be able to stop crying, "I've got to go, call me if something changes" I told her as I run out of the bathroom to the parking lot, I got in my car and drove away, not really knowing where I am going, I just needed to get out of the hospital, I know I just leave the love of my life but you do not know how hard it is being there and she doesn't remembering me

I arrived to my house, but I do not go out of my car, I don't know what to do right now, I'm completely lost, I think I already lose the love of my life. I decided to finally got out of the car and walked inside the house, as soon as I entered I went to my room and cry loudly, I don't think I will be able to survive this

Scarlett's POV

It has been 3 hours since Lizzie left, Y/N is now waking up, I wanted Lizzie to be here because maybe she will be able to recognize Lizzie. I know I have not been a good friend with Lizzie, and she thinks it's her fault but it is not, I just decided to not tell her everything until I have good news for her, I know I shouldn't have but Lizzie was suffering a lot, and if I just came up with bad news I thought that would break her even more, I just wanted to tell her the good things and things I knew she would be a little bit happy about it, but I guess I should she been honest with her and told her everything I knew

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