A good life needs some bad days

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I can't believe I forgot Lizzie, I don't even know why I did it, I think it was because they were threatening me to hurt Lizzie so I had to told them I do not know Lizzie, and if they didn't believe me they would torture me and it was really awful that I do not want to think about it, I do not want to remember it. I know my family will want to know what happen but I am not ready to tell them, I don't think I will be ready soon

Lizzie fell asleep last night with me, I had to beg her, she was telling me that she couldn't because she will hurt me, but what she doesn't understand it's that her presence here, being close to her makes me feel safe, I mean I will not lie my whole body hurts like a bitch, and it hurts more when the meds fade away, I can not sleep well, I think I just slept like 3 hours

Lizzie looks so tired, and yesterday she looked so broken, I know that the fact that I did not know who she was, destroyed her, and if I'm honest when I saw her she already looked broke, it looked like something else happened to her, I have to ask her. The nurse came to change my bandages "Can you come later please?" I asked her but she shook her head "I'm sorry but if I do not change your bandages you can get an infection" she said and I sighed

I do not want to wake up Lizzie, I bet she hasn't sleep in weeks "But you will change them just later" I tried to convince her "We can't risk us" she said. She won't let me wait, she needs to change my fucking bandages "Ugh fine" I told her and then I looked down to see the beauty woman that is sleeping on my chest, ugh she looks so peaceful. "Baby" I whispered and she jumped "What's wrong? Does something hurt you? Did I hurt you? Do you want me to call the doctor?!" She asked alarmed

I sighed because she is so worried about me, "No no no, relax, the nurse is here but they need to clean my fucking bandages" I told her and she nod and stop up almost immediately. The nurse was changing them and I noticed that Lizzie is not looking at the injuries, she is looking somewhere else, she looks like she wants to turn around to not see anything. Does she doesn't like them? Of course she doesn't they are awful injuries, maybe she thinks my body will look awful with all the news scars this injuries will give me, maybe she will not be attracted to me anymore

I got so lost in my thoughts until the nurse put on one of my worst injuries that shit that hurts so much, so I winced in pain making Lizzie worried because she finally look at me "Does this hurt too much?" The nurse asked me and I nod "Yeah it does" I responded "It still hurt when you breath?" She asked and I nod "Yep, not too much but it does hurt" I answered  I can feel that Lizzie is looking at me confused

The nurse finished bandaging me, and Lizzie did not look at the injuries, when the nurse got out Lizzie walked toward me "Can I still cuddle with you?" She asked me sweetly and I nod, she got in the bed with me, and I started playing with her hair, I can't stop thinking about that Lizzie might not find me attractive anymore for all the shit those fucking morons did to me "What is on your mind baby?" Lizzie asked me and I look down to look at her but she is already looking at me "I uhm nothing" I lied to her

Lizzie sat a little to look better at me "You are lying, please Y/N tell me" she said and I sighed "I just when the nurse was changing my bandages I noticed that you didn't want to look at me, and I feel like you will not be attracted to me because all of this shit I have" I confessed her and she put her hand on my cheek "It is not that baby, it's just that your injuries are so bad, and it makes me feel guilty if I see them because somehow I feel like I did not protect you" she explained to me "It is not your fault" I assured her but she doesn't believe me

I put my hand on top of hers "It is not your fault love, I should not have gotten out of the house, I should have listened to you" I told her and she leaned her forehead with mine "I'm so grateful that you are fine" she said and I give her an Eskimo kiss "Me too, can you take me home please?" I requested her and she shook her head. I put my hands around her waist and I am moving my hands to roam around her waist and hip, and I kiss her lips "Y/N Mancini are you trying to seduce me to get you out of this hospital" she asked me as she pulls apart

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