Sometimes remembering is painful

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I already knew that I had to go to the commissary and give my statement but I was going to call my brother to see if he can do something about it, but I didn't get the chance to call him because Lizzie thought about that too and she did it first. Now my hopes are gone because she told me that they can't do anything about it and I have to do it anyways. I know this is painful for me but also for the girl who hasn't leave my side, and doesn't want to do it, I am so thankful with Lizzie because if I'm honest if it wasn't for her I don't know how would I be acting

I was acting tough, and I know that Lizzie knows that and I'm grateful she doesn't push me to talk with her, she knows that I will do it when I feel ready to do it, but now I will have to got and relive those fucking painful things they did to me with a bunch of fucking cops, I mean, it will be so uncomfortable, and I do not want to relive them I just want to bury them and forget about it, and I do not want anyone to touch the topic again but non of that can happen and I need to suck it

Lizzie is caressing my hand, letting me process everything, deciding not to think about that right now I changed the topic "I want to go bed" I told her and she looked at me a little confused "I want to lay in bed with you and cuddle while we watch movies" I told her and she smile at me and nod "Sure love bug, whatever you need" she said and kissed my cheek as she stands up. As always I had to stand up slowly because I am afraid if I move too fast I will hurt myself, and I am not in so much pain right now so yeah

Lizzie helped me to get into bed and then she laid beside me and she put her head on my shoulder, she is so careful with her movements "Snuggle more, I want to feel close to you" I encourage her and she giggle but did it "Am I hurting you?" She asked and I shook my head "What do you want to watch?" She asked me and I hummed, not really knowing what to watch "I don't really know" I told her "What about Star Wars?" She suggested and I nod, I know how much she likes those movies and I haven't told her a little secret that I know I should have told her when she told me she loves Star Wars, I haven't seen all of the movies

If I'm honest I just have watched Star Wars with her, so yeah, I don't know why I am not a Star Wars fan, Lizzie always say that they are so cool but I haven't confess her that I really don't know. She put the movie but I don't even know which one of them is, so I just kissed her head, I know that also when I talk with the police, my family will want to know what happened too, that includes Lizzie, I know I have to tell her but I am afraid that if I tell her she will look at me differently she will look at me with pity, she will have pity on me and I do not want that, I don't want her to think that I am fragile, that I can break but if I'm honest I already think she thinks that

I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't even know that Lizzie paused the movie and she is now looking at me with a frown "Hi?" I said and she chuckle, I thought she was going to ask me what I was thinking but she didn't ask me that "I am hungry what do you want to eat?" She asked me and I took my time answering not knowing why she didn't ask me what I was thinking "Uhm whatever you want my love" I told her and she hummed "I was thinking that we could go visit your mom and eat there with her?" She suggested

I do not want to go with my mom because that means I have to see Luca, and well Luca has been acting weird with me since he went to visit me to the hospital, I think he saw in how much pain I was and he got scared because he hasn't come to visits me "Sure that sounds good, we just have to tell my mom we are planning on going" I told her and she smile "Perfect! She already knows" she said as she stands up, of course she already knows

We drove to my mom's house after we got ready, Lizzie is excited but I do not know why she is this excited, I know she loves my family but she really is excited like really excited "My love why are you so exciting?" I asked her as she drives, because she doesn't let me drive "I am always excited when we are going to see your family, I just love them so much" she said but I don't truly believe her "And why else?" I asked her and she sighed knowing that I got her "Luca prepared something to you, and well I'm pretty excited but it is a surprise so stop asking questions please" she requested and I nod

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