Our life back to normal

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Our honeymoon consisted in a lot of sex, an incredible sex, I thought that what people said were fake, that thing they said that the sex gets better in your honeymoon, I really have to agree with that, we really missed a lot of activities because our addiction to be so close with each other, our addiction to taste each other, our addiction to hear the other one scream our name, I don't mind at all if I'm honest, I mean I did want to explore the Bahamas but if I could do all the things Lizzie and I did, of course I would do it again, and I would not care about the activities we had planned in the Bahamas

When we return form our vacation, we went to see Dr. Garcia, she told us that I was ready to give Lizzie my egg, I was so nervous about it, but as always Lizzie calmed me down, and it was so fast that it was awkward, I literally feel like a child and of course after the process was done, Lizzie made fun of me, but the good thing is that today they will put my egg on Lizzie's uterus, things are getting faster than I expected and Lizzie is excited but at the same time she feels nervous. We haven't tell anyone about our plans, but our families are asking if we have thought about having a baby, of course Lizzie and I just laugh about it

I am waiting for Lizzie, we were getting ready and I don't know what is taking her so long, "Lizzie" I shouted not wanting to go upstairs "I'm coming" she shouted back, I saw her getting downstairs she looks anxious, I walked toward her and put my arms around her waist "Everything will be ok, I will be there I know it's scary but remember how fast the extraction was and everything went well so we don't have anything to worry about" I assure her and she nods slowly, I know whatever I tell her, will not stop her for worrying because she is overthinking I know she is, but at least I can help her to not having a panic attack

We arrived and because we were a little late Dr. Garcia was already waiting for us so she pass us immediately, Lizzie is more nervous and the doctor noticed it, she told Lizzie that she has nothing to worry about, and that it will be easy. I noticed that what Dr. Garcia told her calmed her down

Putting my egg on Lizzie's uterus took more time than the extraction, I didn't notice that I was so nervous until it was done. "So I will give you guys the injection and the sperm I think you already know how to do it right" she said and we both nod "It is normal that it doesn't work at first, please don't give up and don't get upset, it's normal but you can try it again, please if you feel weird and you want to make a pregnancy test you can do it but after that it doesn't matter if it's positive or negative come with me, for me to make you a proper pregnancy test, the results on a pregnancy test can be tricky so that's why is better that after the pregnancy test you come with me to make sure if it's really positive or if it's really negative" she explained to us

We tell her our questions and she gladly answered them, I am nervous that this won't work, I know she said it is normal but still I know Lizzie and I know me, I know we will get upset and maybe we will take a time for us to try it again, I know we will not try it immediately, we will need to take some time for us and then maybe we try it again, but I need to stop thinking like this, I need to start thinking that everything will go well, Lizzie will be okey and maybe in a couple of weeks she will be pregnant and in a couple of months we will have our baby

I was driving back to our house "Can we go see my mom please?" Lizzie said and I nod "Sure baby" I told her, she took one of my hands, I know she is thinking on something, I'm rubbing the back of her hand trying to give her some comfort "What is going on in that pretty mind of your?" I asked her as we stop in a red light "I'm just nervous" she said and I nod "I am nervous too, do you feel any pain or something like that?" I asked her "No, everything is good I'm just nervous that it will not work" she said and I nod "It might not work at the first time but if you still want to we can always try again, even if we need to wait for a little" I told her

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