Chapter 1~History

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No One POV
"Ugh! Why do we have to do this again?" Jungkook groaned, setting his head further back into his seat.

"So that we won't fail history...?" Questioned Jimin.

"But history is sooo boring and uninteresting. Who likes history?"

"Yah brat! I like history."

Jungkook leaned forward to study Jimin with squinted eyes. "Yeah I can tell."

"Yah Jungkook!"

Jungkook sighed trusfratedly, running his hands through his raven colored hair.

"What's the point in leaning history? Shouldn't it just stay in the past?"

Jimin ignored Jungkook for a second trying to come up with an answer to the sixth question on the newly printed white sheet of paper.

They were now in the library of their school working on their history assignment. Their teacher, Mrs. Song, gave everyone one night to complete the full page of questions.

And if you didn't do the homework, she wouldn't hesitate to give you a detention and possibly call your parents.

Yeah, she was that kind of teacher.

Their assignment was to pick from any war that interested them the most from the late 1800s to the early 1900s and answer the following questions that came with the paper.

"Jungkook.." Jimin sighed, rubbing his temples.

"We have to learn about history so that history doesn't repeat itself. All the gruesome stuff that happened in the past, we learn about it so that we won't make those same mistakes as people made in the past. So that we won't start any wars. And it's kinda exciting if you think about it."

Jimin smiled and continued. "Don't you want to learn about your ancestors and how they lived? Or what life was like during a war?" Jimin looked up at Jungkook, waiting for a response.

Jungkook paused, staring into space while thinking about Jimin's obnoxious questions.


Jimin sighed. "Just shut up and do this with me."

Jungkook put his hands up in defense with his pencil clenched in his right hand. "Just because you like history doesn't mean the whole world likes it too."

You could possibly say that Jimin and Jungkook could be opposites sometimes. Jimin loved school, dance, and history. not so much.

Jungkook loved singing, gym class, dance and hated school with a passion.

If you asked Jungkook his favorite subject, he would look at you disgustedly and walk away.

Jungkook would rather be at home playing video games on his bed with Jimin than sitting in this library stressing over tonight's homework.

"Hey, be grateful that I'm doing this with you." Jimin pointed at Jungkook.

"I am because you love your best friend, right?" Jungkook smiled.

I love you more than a best friend though... Jimin thought to himself sadly.

He pushes his thoughts away and nodded. "Yeah, I do." He smiled back at Jungkook.

Jimin and Jungkook had been best friends since the start of middle school. One day when Jungkook finished eating his lunch and decided to find his friends to play with his football in the courtyard.

Jungkook expected it to be the usual, walking all the way across the cafeteria to gather his friends, go outside, and let one person stand back to throw the ball while the others desperately waved their arms in the air trying to catch it.

But if Jungkook were being honest they weren't really his friends, probably aquanites at most. They just saw Jungkook with a football and decided to go along with it. But hey at least no one questioned it.

They were there to have fun anyways for that short amount of time.

What Jungkook didn't expect to see was a kid with light brown hair being thrown to the cement ground by a kid way bigger than him. Probably about two or three sizes bigger.

The light brown haired kid was crying and trying to fight back but struggled miserably. Jungkook felt the need to help him. He wasn't the type of kid to just stand there and watch someone not be able to defend themselves.

So what did Jungkook do?

Forgot about his football and the game as he ran towards the large kid and pushed him away from the smaller one onto the ground.

Jungkook was big too as a middle schooler but this kid must have been on steroids.

The large kid lashed towards Jungkook and tried to scratch him but Jungkook managed to dodge all the kids' hits.

A crowd started to form around the two, yelling and cheering them on. Some even recorded it. After seeing all the commotion, teachers ran to pull both of them away who still tried to grab each other and yelled at them to go inside to the principal's office.

Jungkook harshly moved out of the teacher's grasp and went over to the light brown haired kid that was still crying on the ground.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked softly.

The light brown haired boy nodded slowly, still terrified. Feeling the small boy's discomfort, Jungkook outstretched his hand with a smile. "My name is Jungkook."

Shakily the smaller boy reached out his hand to meet Jungkook's. "M-My name is J-Jimin."

Jungkook smiled. "It's nice to meet you Jimin."

"Hey! I said go inside now you little troublemaker!!" The teacher yelled and pulled Jungkook by the arm away from Jimin.

After this they spent more and more time together. Sitting at lunch together and hanging out after school.

Jungkook now felt like he now had a real friend while Jimin didn't have to feel lonely and afraid anymore. Years have now passed and the two still remain close.

Their best friendship was going smoothly until Jimin had started developing feelings for Jungkook at the start of sophomore year. He always loved the way Jungkook smiled, showing his cute bunny teeth, and looking so innocent at the same time.

How passionate Jungkook is about boxing and singing and how everyone should consider it. How protective Jungkook gets about the people he cares about and just how cool Jungkook is overall.

In Jimin's eyes, Jungkook is never afraid to show people who he truly is which makes Jimin happy. Jimin is truly lucky to have Jungkook in his life as his best friend but Jimin is craving more.

Now them being in their senior year, Jimin has yet to confess his feelings to Jungkook, terrified that he will get rejected and their friendship will fall apart over something stupid over a crush.

"What? Is there something on my face?" Jungkook questioned while his hands roamed around his face in a panicked manner.

"Huh? Oh! No, no, I was just distracted and just umm uhh in deep thought about t-the a-assignment." Jimin said coming back to reality with a nervous chuckle, now fully blushing in embarrassment.

"Oh, well let's hurry and finish this dumb project, I don't want to be here all day or I'm gonna cry." Jungkook yawned while stretching, him and his books almost falling out of his seat.

Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter!

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