Chapter 5~Movies

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~OTW To The Movies
Jimin POV
I looked over to see Jungkook concentrating on the road looking fine as always. He was wearing a long sleeve white shirt with blue denim jeans with a light blue stripe going down this leg.

Omg! I can't stop squirming in my seat. I'm so excited!!

I can't wait to sit close to him, eat popcorn, stare at his beautiful face, gorgeous eyes and-

"Jimin, are you okay?"

I snapped out of my thoughts to see Jungkook looking back at me and then the road with a worried look.

"Yeah I'm fine, just excited that's all." I said while blushing.

"Why? We're only going to the movies." Jungkook chuckled.

"I don't know, I just like being around you."

"I like being around you too." Jungkook smiled. I blushed even more, if it was possible.

Omg l probably look like a tomato right now!

"I picked out a romantic movie, if that's okay with you."

I nodded, "It's okay with me. I love romantic movies."

"Why so?"

"Because I always imagined myself as the protagonist." I smiled.

Like you and me in a perfect love story.

"I never thought about it that way. You know, imagining yourself in a movie. But now I know to do that from now on. Thanks Jimin." He smiled his bunny smile at me.

Good, I hope you from now imagine me in the romantic movies you watch..

I felt my phone vibrating in my back pocket. It was Hoseok calling me.

Hobi-hyung!! I'm on my date with Jungkook!

"Who is that?" Jungkook looked over to me.

"Hoseok." I showed him the screen of my phone that displayed a picture of Hoseok that I took in class.



I held the phone away dramatically from my ear for a second before putting it back to my ear.

"Jimin! Are you there?!"

"Yeah. What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?! This boy love show is what is wrong! They broke up!" He sniffled on the other end.

"Who broke up?"

"The main couple!" He wailed. I pressed my lips together in a straight line, trying not to laugh.

"Are you on the last episode?"

"No." I heard him blow his nose.

"So maybe they might get back together."

I heard him sniffle again. "Okay... I feel a little better. There's five episodes left." He sighed. "Oh thank god. I thought that it was the end. I'm really heartbroken Jimin."

I smiled, "Don't worry Hobi-hyung, it's only a boy love show."

He gasped. "ONLY A BOY LOVE SHOW?!"

I laughed and looked over at Jungkook. His eyes concentrated on the road ahead of him, his body stiffening as I saw him slightly cleaning his jaw.

Omg that is so hot...

Not the time Jimin! I really wonder why he dislikes Hoseok so much.

I saw that the movie theater was down the street, "Don't cry anymore Hobi-hyung but I have to go. I'll call you later okay?"

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