Chapter 34~Carnival

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Jungkook POV
Today is the day that Taehyung and I go to the carnival. He told me that he likes carnivals but I didn't know that he liked them so much to the point where he literally woke me up out of my bed early in the morning.

"Jungkook! Jungkook! Wake up! Jungkook!" He kept shaking me.

I groaned. "Taehyung, what are you doing? It's 10 a.m.."

"I know! I know! But I can't wait!" He started jumping up and down excitedly next to my bed. "Now..get up!" He whined, throwing a pillow at me before walking out the door.

I sighed, reluctantly throwing the covers off of me and getting up from my bed while scratching my head and walking out of my room. I spotted Taehyung in the kitchen.

He smiled. "Good your up!"

I hummed. "Are you always happy in the morning?"

He cocked his head to the side while thinking. "No, I'm just too happy for tonight. I could hardly sleep."

I smiled and walked over to him, "Don't worry, tonight we will have so much fun and forget about the real world. I promise."

I didn't realize that I walked over towards him or how close I was to him but I soon after did because he blushed madly and looked down at the floor. I slowly backed away without saying anything. After I was far enough away, I cleared my throat, "I'm gonna go make breakfast."

" go do that.." Taehyung muttered while walking in the direction of his room. Still avoiding eye contact with me.

God what is he doing to me?

I haven't felt this way since a few years ago but at the same time I can't describe this feeling that I get whenever I'm around him. I don't know but I feel like I just have to be around him, like I need to. It's like I'm the piece of metal and he's the manget if that makes sense.

I found myself still standing in the same position that I was in before. I shook my head while rubbing my face with my hands and went into the kitchen to cook breakfast.

Taehyung POV
After I walked into my room, I instantly looked in the mirror. My cheeks were bright red and I felt butterflies roaming in my stomach.

I sighed while staring at myself in the mirror. The scar on my cheek was now gone and hair actually grew longer. Should I keep it? Or should I cut it a little shorter? I don't know, I'll ask Jungkook later.

A smile appeared on my face from the mention of Jungkook.

Jungkook...I sighed to myself and looked down. He makes me so happy and actually cares for me. He's funny, attractive, cute, and he doesn't judge me and just accepts me for who I am.

Even after the whole nightmare encounter when I clung on to him and refused to let go of him, he didn't question me about it or forced me to tell him or even called me crazy and that's what I appreciate about him.

Oh and he gives the best cuddles!

Omg Taehyung, what are you talking about?! Why am I talking about him like I have a crush on him? To which I don't.


"Taehyung breakfast is ready!" I heard Jungkook shout, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I'm coming!"

~Tonight has arrived
Jungkook POV
"Jungkook! Come on, we have to go!" Taehyung whined trying to pull me out the door.

"Okay, okay I'm coming. I'm just checking to see if I have everything before we go." I said double checking if I had everything. Imagine driving all the way there and forgetting something.

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