Chapter 68~Surprise!

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Jungkook POV
I woke up to the sound of my phone going off right next my ear. Taehyung wrapped his arms around me while whining in his sleep.

Before my phone could possibly wake him up, I grabbed it and answered, "Hello?"

"Why do you sound like you were asleep?"


"Yes! Everyone is here waiting for you two to show up, now hurry up and get here! Don't make me have to come over there Jeon Jungkook!" He hung up.

I sighed and looked down at Taehyung, now cleaned up after our heated session.

I found myself staring at his beautiful face as he peacefully slept next to me. I raised my finger and traced his beautiful features.

I smiled to myself, after dating Taehyung for months now, I still can't believe that he's mine.

Mine to make smile. Mine to cherish. Mine to comfort. Mine to make laugh. Mine to kiss. Mine to take care of.


I furrowed my eyebrows, now butterflies dancing in my stomach as I stared at Taehyung, watching soft snores coming from his lips.

I resumed tracing his features with my finger until I reached his lips and accidentally put my finger in his mouth.

He sat up groaning, "What are you doing?" He mumbled while scratching his hair, his eyes squinted as he looked at me.

"Umm nothing." I chuckled nervously.

He hummed before raising his arms above his head while yawning, making the blanket pull off of him. His bottom region now being exposed to me.


He followed my eyes and gasped when he saw his member being exposed. "Don't look at it!" He pulled the blanket up, his eyes now the only thing that I can see.

I laughed at his cuteness. "Taehyung this isn't the first time I've seen you naked."

"Yes it is!"

"Taehyung I just saw you naked like an hour ago."

"Oh right..but still! It's weird..." He mumbled.

"I mean we're both men aren't we?" I chuckled before getting up off of the bed.

"Ah!" Taehyung pulled the covers over his head. "Let me know when you leave!"

"Okay, I'm gone!"

He slowly pulled the covers down and gasped when he saw me still in the room, "Liar!"

I laughed and walked to the bathroom. "Get dressed Taetae, we're going out!" I heard movement from my room before hearing a loud thud.

I ran in my room and saw Taehyung on the floor.

I gasped and crouched down to help him. "Are you okay? Why did you flip off the bed?"

"I didn't! I got off the bed like a normal person and then when I tried to walk I fell!"

"Why did you fall?"

"I don't know, you tell me!"

I smirked internally. I grabbed his arm and helped him up. "Does anything hurt?"

He bit his lip, "No...OMG You're looking at me! Stop, I'm naked! OMG your naked!" He ran or more like limped to the bathroom and slammed the door. Not even five seconds later I heard,


"Why do I have to have a blindfold on?" Taehyung looked around the car, trying to touch everything.

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