Chapter 7~Please don't go

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Jimin POV
I searched in my pocket to find my key. I put the key into the silver lock on the front door and walked inside, making sure to close the door as quietly as possible.

I slowly took my shoes off and tip-toed, trying not to make a sound. I don't want my eomma to see me like this.

I don't like crying in front of people. I was so close to the stairs that at the top of the steps I could see the wall reflecting my room light.

Almost there, Jimin. Then you can cry as much as you want to.

I kept tip toeing and tip toeing until I stepped on that certain part of the wooden floor that always made a loud creak.


I heard my eomma scream and saw her run out the kitchen with a spatula. She charged at me, making me scream, "Eomma! Eomma! It's me! It's Jimin!"

I put my hands up trying to protect myself from almost being hit with a spatula. She soon realized that it was me and sighed with a smile.

"Oh sweetie you scared me! I thought you were a burglar or a killer!" She put her hand over her chest. "Why did you come in here so silently?"

I looked down, "I didn't know you were awake..." I whispered.

Please don't look at my face. Please don't look at my face.

She walked up to me and lifted my chin so that I could look at her. She wiped her finger over my tear-stained cheek. "You've been crying. What's wrong?"

I shook my head and lightly pulled her hand away from my face. I smiled, "The movie that I watched with umm...with Jungkook, it was sad."

"Well why did you guys watch a sad movie? I thought y'all would watch a horror movie or something. Isn't that what friends do nowadays?"

"It was Jungkook's choice, but don't worry I'm okay." I kissed her on the cheek and headed for the stairs.

"Wait! Did you eat anything?" I turned to look at her.

"Not hungry." I shrugged.

I jogged up the steps and to my room. I closed my door and locked it. The conversation I had with Jungkook replayed in my mind. Making a new set of tears fall down on my cheeks.

A headache started to form from crying so much but the aching pain in my heart wouldn't go away.

Jungkook's really will I ever have him?

I needed comfort now, I needed someone to be here with me. So I called Hoseok.

"Helloooo, I'm your hope, your my hope, I'm-"

"Hobi-hyung?" I said in a weak voice, trying not to cry.

"Jimin? What's wrong?" He asked.

"Jungkook's leaving.." I sobbed.

Hoseok went silent.

"Don't worry chim chim, Hobi's on his way."


Hoseok POV
When I arrived at Jimin's place, luckily he gave me a key. I walked up the steps and came across Jimin's eomma knocking on his door begging Jimin to open the door with an extremely worried tone.

"Jimin?" She kept knocking, "Sweetie please open the door."

"Ms. Park?" She turned around surprised to see me.

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