Chapter 30~Family reunion

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Jungkook POV
Before Taehyung and I could put out our hands to see who won, we heard the door knock. "This isn't over." Taehyung before making his way over to the door and opening it.

"Hyungs! What are you guys doing here?"

"We missed you Taehyung and we haven't gotten the chance to see your new dorm."

Wait a minute....

I know that deep voice.

Is it..?

No couldn't be right?

I mean yeah I saw Yoongi at the cafeteria but it's no way that it's-

"Namjoon! Why didn't you call me before time so I can clean! It's a mess!" I heard Taehyung whine.

Namjoon?! The one from my school?

I was so deep in thought that I didn't hear the door close and someone calling my name.

"Jungkook..." I looked up and saw Namjoon and Yoongi standing there looking at me.

"Wait, you guys know each other?" I didn't answer Taehyung as I ran over to Namjoon and hugged him.

"Hyung! I missed you so much!" I cried. He hugged me back, "I miss you too Jungkook, it's been too long." He said while patting my head.

I looked over to Yoongi and he shook his head. "It's nice to see you back kid but don't-..hug me.." He sighed when I ran over to him and hugged him.

He looked at Namjoon for help but Namjoon smiled. I then felt Yoongi-hyung's hands slowly reach my back as he started to pat it. "Please don't cry Jungkook. I can't do tears."

I stopped hugging him to wipe off some of my tears. "M'sorry I just thought that I'll never see you guys again."

I heard Namjoon coo as he walked over to me and started to pinch my cheeks. "Wow Jungkook, you've gotten so tall and muscular." He said, squeezing my arm.

I looked over at Taehyung and saw that he was staring at Namjoon's hand as he continuously squeezed my arm while saying, "Wow."

I didn't fail to notice how his usually typical bright facial expressions now turned dark. I saw Yoongi look over at Taehyung's face before he pulled Namjoon's hand away from my bicep.

"Umm hello?" Taehyung suddenly spoke. "Is this some type of family reunion because if it is I want details." He said, crossing his arms.

Namjoon sighed, "Tae, it's a long story-"

"I'm listening."

Namjoon-hyung went on to tell Taehyung that Namjoon and I were close friends in high school and how I officially met Yoongi at the airport before I left for America. "Ohh, that's so cute! I wish I took some pictures." Taehyung pouted.

"Wait, did you know that Jungkook was here?"

Yoongi-hyung spoke up, "We didn't know for sure but we had a suspicion that y'all knew each other because before Jungkook walked in the cafeteria, Taehyung was talking about his new roommate and then suddenly Jungkook arrived and the two of you guys made eye contact so I put the two together. Plus it was Namjoon's idea to come here."

"You always have to rat me out don't you?"

"What? I'm telling the truth." Yoongi shrugged.

I smiled and looked over at Taehyung, "So you talked about me huh?" I saw Taehyung's cheeks turn crimson red as he looked away, "Only a little."

My smile only grew as I stared at his adorableness. I turned my head in Namjoon's direction and saw him look over at me and then Taehyung while raising his eyebrows. I wonder what he's thinking about. My thoughts were interrupted as my stomach growled, scaring Taehyung.

"You need to feed that monster!" Taehyung pointed at my stomach.

"That monster is my stomach."

"Well, you need to feed it before it gets too mad. Who knows what it can do." I heard Namjoon chuckle, "Well what are you guys making?"

We shrugged. "Pizza?" Namjoon suggested. Taehyung and I snapped our heads up at him.



"Good! I'll order it and Yoongi-hyung will pay."

"Excuse me?" Yoongi crossed his arms at Namjoon while raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah you have money." Namjoon smiled back at him.

"And? That doesn't mean-" everyone, including me pouted at him, "I.." He looked around at all of us.


We were still pouting at him.


"Thank you Yoongi-hyung!" I said before going over to him and hugging him.

"One day, I'll stand my ground, just wait. Y'all pouting won't have any effect on me anymore, just wait." He pointed at us, making us laugh.

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