Chapter 27~Hobi hands pt.2

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Taehyung POV
After leaving my second class of the day, I walked down one certain hallway that basically no one takes for some reason.

Maybe because some of the lights had gone out and no one has been down here to fix it. But I like to walk down it because I get to avoid the crowded hallways and it's a good shortcut to the caferitera.

As I was walking down the hallway, I heard a camera shutter.

I turned around but didn't see anyone. I kept walking down the hallway when I heard it again.
I turned around, "Hello? Is there anyone there?"

I was met with another camera shutter and silence. I decided that it was all in my head and made my way down the hallway and down the steps to the caferitera.

"Hey Taehyung!" I heard my brother shout.

"Hey you guys!" I sat down, "Hi Yoongi-hyung!" He sighed, putting his head down, "Not this again."

"Where's Namjoon and Jin-hyung?"

"Namjoon went to his dorm because of something, so Jin-hyung decided to stay with him." Yoongi-hyung said.

I nodded thinking about the encounter I had with Namjoon at my dorm. I hope he's okay. "So Taehyung."

I looked up to see Hobi-hyung staring at me. "Jimin told me about your new roommate, is he nice?"

"Yeah, he's very nice and caring." I smiled. My brother raised an eyebrow. "I want to meet him." "Gross why?" Yoongi said.

Hobi-hyung gave him a look. "Because, I want to know what he looks like and if he's actually going to treat my brother well."

"Hyung, you don't need to worry, he treats me very well." I looked over and saw Jungkook walk into the cafeteria.

Jungkook POV
I walked in the cafeteria, hoping to find Taehyung and it didn't take me long to find him. Oh thank god.

I looked at the people that he was sitting with and my heart stopped.



Why is he with them?

No, no, I can't go over there. I can't be here right now. No. I saw Taehyung look at me and waved me over but I shook my head no.

He cocked his head to the side and mouthed "Why?" I shook my head again. I saw Yoongi follow Taehyung's eyes and he made eye contact with me and his eyes grew wide.

Before the rest of the table could see me, I ran for it out of the cafeteria, not looking back.

Taehyung POV
Well that was strange.

Why did he look so scared? I noticed my brother and Jimin seemed to be in their own world as they talked about dancing.

I saw Yoongi look at me. His facial expression was unreadable but I never saw him like this.

He looked...surprised? And maybe excited?

Does he know Jungkook? He pulled out his phone to call someone before excusing himself and leaving.

"Taehyung, are you okay? Where did Yoongi go?"

"Uhh I don't know."

"Oh well, I have some good news!"


"I'm no longer going to be teaching Kai, I had a long discussion with my professor and told him I needed to learn the choreography first and that there's others who already know it. Which was a lie."

He smiled and continued, "So the professor reluctantly switched me with someone else." Jimin and I smiled back at him.

"Because I never want to see him again. He was definitely gonna catch these Hobi hands and they're out of control." Jimin laughed while pushing him.

"You and your "Hobi" things."

"What, I'm serious! He can catch these Hobi hands if he needs to!"

"Well, I hope that won't happen." I said, taking a sip of my drink.

"Well, that's not up to me, that's up to the Hobi hands." He said, raising his hand in front of his face and glaring at them. Wow I have a really weird brother.

[A/N]Thank you for 200 reads and thank you for all of your votes💜💜!

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Thank you for 200 reads and thank you for all of your votes💜💜!

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