Chapter 18~Let me explain

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Jimin POV
"So what really happened between the two of you?" Taehyung said while looking me and Hoseok.

We both froze and turned our heads to look at each other. It was lunchtime but it was just the three of us. Namjoon and Jin-hyung weren't here and Yoongi stoped by but only to grab food and then leave.

"Shouldn't you be sitting with Kai and Baekhyun-OW!" Hoseok smacked me on the chest.

"Jimin shush! Anyways, I'll tell you." He sighed then continued.

"Jimin had a crush on someone for a really long time."

I looked down and felt Taehyung's eyes on me. Hoseok continued, "Then I actually found out who the person was, I found out that the person that he was crushing on was..."


Hoseok sighed, "My boyfriend at the time."

I looked up and saw Taehyung's surprised expression as he stared at Hoseok. "Once I found out I broke up with him so that Jimin could have him." Hoseok turned, giving me a smile.

"So did you eventually have him or..?"

"Taehyung!" Hoseok snapped, giving Taehyung a look.

"No, it's okay." I said, reassuring Hoseok.

"He sadly moved away but it's okay. I'm over him now."

Taehyung nodded, "Ah, okay. Sorry I didn't mean for the mood to turn dark." He chuckled.

"No, it's fine. Let's just talk about something else." Hoseok said, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Oh I have news! I'm thinking about switching rooms with someone. Maybe Baekhyun."

I raised my eyebrows. "Why? Is it Kai?"

"No! Why does everyone say that, I just need extra space, that's all." I nodded my head, a part of me not believing Taehyung.

You could tell by how defensive he got just now that there's a deeper meaning than just "I need more space." But I didn't push him any further and continued eating my lunch.

Hoseok POV
After my two classes, I decided to go back to my dorm room to chill and relax but what I saw after opening the door shocked me. Or more like stunned me.

After turning the key to the door, I was met with a messy living room. But what surprised me the most was the crayons and coloring books on the floor.

Namjoon colors?

I then heard child-like screams and saw Namjoon chasing Jin-hyung while saying, "Jinnie! Come here, you need a bath!"

Jin-hyung replied, "Noo Daddy! No bath!" While running away from Namjoon.

Daddy? Wtf kind of freakyness?

I then realized what Jin was wearing: long fuzzy pink socks that went up to his thighs, and one of Namjoon's white long hoodies, with a pink pacifier clipped to the hoodie.

He also had a pink, white, and blue flower crown around his head.

"What. The. Hell. Is. Happening. Are y'all high?!" I said, visibly confused.

Namjoon stopped in his tracks and looked at me with a horrid face.

Namjoon POV
"What. The. Hell. Is. Happening. Are y'all high?"

I stopped chasing Jinnie. No, please no.

Omg this cannot be happening.

Please let this be a dream.

"Uhh Hoseok. H-Hey, h-how are y-you?" Hoseok stepped in the dorm and closed the door.

"Namjoon, why is he wearing that?" He said pointing at Jinnie.

"Uhh-" I scratched the back of my head.

"Daddy who this?" I felt Jinnie hiding behind me, peeking over my shoulder looking at Hoseok.

"Daddy?! What the hell Namjoon?"

"Hoseok shh! You're gonna scare him okay?" I turned around to look at Jinnie. "Jinnie, how about you go to daddy's room to watch a movie."

"No! Don wanna!"

"Please daddy will give you ice cream."

He smiled, his face brightening. "Ice cream!" He gave one last look to Hoseok before running to my room while singing: "Ice cream! Ice cream!"

I turned around to face Hoseok.

"Hoseok...sit down, let me explain."

Okay maybe I should put a warning that some chapters are gonna be long and some chapters are gonna be short like this one😂 This is my first story so I'm not exactly good at trying to make my chapters even.

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