Chapter 19~Blushing is gross

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No One POV
"So he literally goes into a child-like headspace because of stress?"

"Yes and umm...basically something happened to Jin-hyung when he was younger so that caused him to be a little in his adult life." Namjoon said.

"I-...does Yoongi know?"

"Yeah he does, he's the one that told me about it after he saw Jinnie with a pacifier in his mouth."

"Ohh. So does he do this often..."

"Not often but you know, when you're not here or if Yoongi-hyung isn't there then he will definitely regress. But most of the time he can't control it."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You see.. when he sees childish things that he likes he will regress into his headspace. And when he is in his headspace he can't snap out of it well. That's why he was still in his headspace when he saw you. Plus he doesn't remember some of the things while in his little space."

Hoseok nodded. "I never knew littles existed."

"Neither did Yoongi-hyung and I. But I'm used to it now, I'm his caregiver after all." Namjoon smiled.

"Ohh so that's why he calls you..daddy?"


Hoseok nodded once again, trying to take in all this information at once.

"I uhh, I think I should go." Hoseok got up.

Namjoon looked up at him, "Why? You're not bothering us."

"I know but I want to give you guys some alone time and plus, you should talk to Jin-hyung after you know...."

Namjoon sighed, "Don't worry I will."

"Tell uhh Jinnie right? That I said bye."

Namjoon smiled. "I will hyung. Don't be back too late!"

"Yeah, yeah." With that Hoseok was out the door.

Hoseok POV
After leaving my dorm, I decided to call Yoongi.


I rolled my eyes, "Jeez, what a way to answer the phone."

"What? You don't normally call me."

"I know. But I found out about Jin-hyung and Namjoon."

The other line went silent for a second. "I see. Did you say anything bad?"

"No! What? You know that's not me at all. I was just confused."

"First of all, I don't really know you-"

"Okay, okay that's not the point of this conversation."

"Then what is?"

"Well.. I'm going to the dance studio."

"And that has something to do with me because...?"

"Oh come on, don't you want to do something other than stay in your dorm all day.?"

"Wow, the disrespect Hoseok. But no thanks I don't dance."

I sighed trying to think harder. "Okay how about this, you produce beats right?"

"Yeah why?"

"So why don't you show me one of your beats and I'll see if I can come up with a dance to them."


"And let's make a deal if I can't make a good dance to one of your beats then I owe you whatever. And if I can make a good dance to the beat then you owe me something."

I heard him silent, assumedly thinking before saying, "Deal."

"Good! I'll see you-" He hung up on me.

Yoongi POV
After reluctantly getting up from my cozy bed and leaving my dorm to go to the dance studio where Hoseok was. I saw him already dancing to nothing.

"Wow, you love dancing don't you?" He jumped.

"Omg Yoongi! You scared me!"

"Whoops." I shrugged.

"So, show me what you got Mr. Min Yoongi." He challenged. Oh god what did I get myself into you.

I picked one of the beats that I made years ago but I recently worked on it and made it 10 times better.
"Prepare to lose Kim Hoseok."

I plugged my phone to one of the speakers in the studio and played the beat. He listened to the beat for a while, nodding his head.

He then walked away from my phone and went to stand in the middle of the floor. I watched him full with admiration as he moved his body across the floor with so much concentration and passion.

The beats were fast but he seemed to catch up with them with no problem. He jumped in circles, put his leg in the air, moved his arms in ways that I definitely couldn't.

At one point, he put his one of his hands over his eyes while he thrust his hips up, matching the beat. I wish I could say that I looked away but my eyes wouldn't let me do anything else but stare.

I was so amazed by his dancing skills that I didn't notice that he stopped and was walking up to me.

"How was that?"

I cleared my throat, "Uhh..perfect..." I suddenly felt my cheeks heating up. OMG AM I BLUSHING?!

Gross...I don't blush.

Blushing is gross.

I heard Hoseok laugh, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Thanks. So did I win or not?"

"You won.." I sighed in defeat.

"Do you really mean that?"

"Yes. Just don't tell anyone."

"Aww someone's pride is hurt." He pouted.

"Shut up!"

Hoseok and I continued to talk for a little bit, it was mostly about him being excited about winning the bet, making me roll my eyes at him.

"Maybe my award for winning the bet should be me teaching you how to dance." He smirked.

"No I'm good. Like I told you before Hoseok I don't dance."

He then went behind me and whispered, "We have a deal Yoongi."

I turned around to face him and crossed my arms, "I will do anything else, just not-"

I stopped mid-sentence because I heard loud footsteps coming in our direction.

Hoseok and I turned our heads in the direction of the footsteps and I saw the last person that I wanted to see on this planet.


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