Chapter 16~This isn't you

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Taehyung POV
"Where were you?"

I jumped at the sound of his voice. "I-I-I was d-doing my w-work."

Why am I stuttering? I don't normally stutter...

"I was texting you, even calling you and you didn't pick up." He said while slowly getting up to walk over to me. It doesn't help that the only light in the dorm was coming from the tv, everywhere else was pitch black.

I stumbled back, slightly getting scared of the person in front of me. "I was at the library."

"Were you? Or were you with your brother and his friends again?"

"Hey! There are my friends too." I pouted.

"I'm your friend! Am I not anymore? Have you replaced me with them?!"

I jumped from his voice and whimpered. He had me backed up against the corner, his body pressed against mine as his face was only inches away from mine.

Why is he acting like this?

"How could you leave me like this?" 

"I'm sorry." I said quietly while biting my lip.

Why am I apologizing?

What did I do wrong?

"Goodnight, Taehyung." He slowly backed away from me and walked into his room. The sound of a door slamming made me jump again.

I sat there against wall, not believing what just happened before I walked into my room and quietly closed the door. I placed my bag on the floor beside my bed before sitting down, letting the tears fall out of my eyes.

I don't like being yelled at, especially for no reason. I don't understand. One minute he's so sweet and the next he's angry at me.

This has been going on since after what happened at the party...

I put my hand over my mouth, keeping my sobs in so that Kai won't hear me. My head started to hurt from crying so much.

Stop crying Taehyung. It will be okay.

I put on my pajamas and climbed into bed, pulling the covers over my head as I cried myself to sleep.

~The Next Morning
I woke up and checked the time. I sighed and reluctantly got out of bed. I slowly walked out of my room where I saw Kai cooking breakfast. He noticed me and smiled, "Taehyung! Good Morning! Come here."

I was still frozen like a statue. I don't think this is the real Kai, especially the one from last night. I slowly made my way over to him. He grabbed my arm and pulled me over so that I was facing the stove.

On the stove were pancakes, eggs, and sausages in different pans. He then went behind me. "I know that Hoseok tries to teach you how to cook but I think I should also help you too. Friends should always help each right?" I shivered when his lips brushed against my ear as he whispered.

I was very uncomfortable but I didn't say anything out of fear. His chest was literally pressed against my back as he went on to teach me how to flip pancakes and check to see if the sausages were cooked enough.

Whenever I would do something wrong, Kai took it into his own hands to put his hands on top of mine as I held the spatula as a way of teaching me.

I was shaking and didn't like how close he was to me. His chest was literally against my back, his breath fanning on my neck. I hated it.

Luckily the food didn't take long to cook. We sat across from each other at the table. "I'm sorry about last night. You know I didn't mean it right?" I looked up at him, not expecting him to mention last night so soon.

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