Chapter 20~Namjoon's past

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Hoseok POV

"Aww Yoongi, nice to see me again? How's Namjoon doing? Does he miss me?"

"You bastard!" Yoongi persona suddenly change as he charged in Kai's direction. Not before I stepped in front of him.

"Hoseok move."

"No! Kai is my dance student and Taehyung's friend, I can't let you hurt him."

"I don't care! You don't know who he is do you?" He yelled trying to push past me.

"What are you talking about? What did he do?"

"Yeah Yoongi? What did I do?" Kai smirked.


"YOONGI STOP IT!" I yelled.

Yoongi then pushed me harshly, making me stumble back. "Hoseok, this is the last time I'm telling you to move." His voice was deeper, darker. I'm not gonna lie, I was intimidated. But I stood my ground. "No. Not until you tell me what he did."

Yoongi took a deep breath, running his hands through his dark hair before saying, "He used to date Namjoon. They were a "happy" couple, always smiling together and laughing together. Everything seemed perfect between Namjoon and Kai. Almost everyone wanted a relationship like theirs but neither they nor I knew what happened behind closed doors."

He paused and tried not to cry. My heart began to race from seeing him like this but also I was scared of what he was gonna say next.

"He verbally and physically abused Namjoon."

My eyes grew wide and I turned around to see Kai looking back at Yoongi while smirking. Yoongi continued, "One day Namjoon put a hidden camera in his room when it was just him and Kai because Namjoon's parents were never around. When Namjoon showed me the video it showed Kai yelling at him, cursing at him, throwing things at Namjoon, and even at one point.."

"...he put his hands on him. Smacking him, punching him, hearing Namjoon's broken voice, begging him to stop. Namjoon never knew how to defend himself, he always saw the good in everyone... I've never seen my own best friend so vulnerable like that and knowing that I couldn't protect him! So you see why Hoseok! Do you finally see why?!"

Yoongi was in tears at this point, I turned around and watched Kai as he raised an eyebrow at me. "I was only playing with Namjoon. We were both boys you know? And plus, I'm not like that anymore. I'm a changed man." He smiled.

That smile...the fact that he was standing right in front of me...smiling about the abuse he put on Namjoon and tried to play it off as if it was nothing. I went off.


I paused, suddenly thinking about Taehyung. "I DON'T EVEN WANT YOU AROUND MY OWN BROTHER ANYMORE! YOU SICK-"

"What's going on in here?"

Everyone paused and turned to see Jimin standing in the doorway of the studio with his arms crossed and a confused look on his face.

"Why is everyone yelling?" I heard shuffling and saw Yoongi grabbing his things and getting ready to leave, not before walking up to Kai. "If I ever see you around Namjoon ever again, I swear to god I will kill you." Kai only smiled in response. After that Yoongi walked passed Jimin and was out the door.

Jimin's eyes widened. "What...the hell? What happened?" "Nothing Jimin let's go." I turned to look at Kai, "Stay away from Taehyung. You better hope and pray that I won't catch you around him or-"

"Or else what?" He smirked.

I was about to punch him and show him what else but Jimin grabbed my arm, "Come on. Fighting isn't the answer."

I then reluctantly let Jimin pull me out of the dance studio and into the darkness of outside. My blood boiling with anger and my thoughts running all over the place.

Jimin pulled me into an alleyway. "What the hell was that back there?"

"Kai, he's a bad person. He did terrible things to Namjoon in the past and now he shares a room with Taehyung- OH MY GOD MY BROTHER! WE HAVE TO GO GET HIM-"

"Calm down first! Take a deep breath before you do something that you might regret. If we just barged into Taehyung's room and make him leave with us he would get suspicious. And so would Kai. So think of a lie first."

I grabbed Jimin by the shoulders, "We have to get Taehyung out of there, maybe that's why he asked me how to switch dorms-what if Kai is secretly hurting Tae, Jimin?!"

My eyes filled up with tears, imagining my baby brother being hurt by that monster. Jimin looked shocked, "Okay, Okay! Let's go get him out tonight and we can bring him to my dorm, Chen isn't barely there anyways."

"Okay, I'll just text Taehyung to meet us at the basketball court."


After texting Taehyung to meet me and Jimin he replied with, "Okay! I'll be there soon!" I sighed in relief, "If he isn't there in five minutes then we go get him okay?"


Taehyung POV
It was late and I was watching Friends on my tv before my brother texted me and asked me to meet him and Jimin at the basketball court

I was happy to go out because for some reason I like being outside at night. I put on some sweatpants,  my black hoodie, and my slides before grabbed my keys and started to make my way out the door.

As I walked out of my dorm and closed the door,  I saw Kai running up to the door. "Where are you going?" He sounded out of breath.

"To see Hoseok and Jimin."


"I-I don't think I should tell you."

"And why's that?" He said walking closer to me, making me back up until my back was met with the door. Out of fear I didn't say anything so he continued, "So you're just going to leave me again?"

"Kai, I'm sorry-"

"STOP APOLOGIZING!" He screamed in my face.

"P-Please, stop, p-people will hear." I whimpered, a few tears now slipping out of my eyes and down my cheeks.

"I don't care. You're not leaving." He said, grabbing my arm in a firm grip.

"Yes, I am! Let me go!"


My vision turned into a blur as I felt the harsh sting on my right cheek.

I raised my hand to touch it only to flinch because it hurt like hell. More tears kept coming out of my eyes as I saw Kai's eyes widen in fear.

"Tae...I'm sorry I didn't mean-" I don't know what went through my body but it must have been because of anger and fear or simply my fight or flight response that made me kick Kai in his crotch and run for it.


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