Chapter 21~I will always protect you

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Taehyung POV
I kept running and running until I found Jimin and my brother walking down a hallway and what looked to be searching for me.

"Hyung!" I cried while running to him and jumping in his arms.

"Taehyung! What happened?!"

"He-he-he.." I couldn't finish my sentence and broke down into tears. Hobi-hyung picked me up in his arms and took me to Jimin's dorm room.

When we arrived, Jimin turned the lights on as Hobi set me down on the couch but I refused to let him leave me. Jimin saw my face and his eyes grew wide.

"OMG DID HE HIT YOU!" I nodded my head slowly, now full on sobbing.

Hobi-hyung also saw my face and turned red, "THAT BASTARD I SWEAR TO GOD WHEN I SEE HIM I WILL KILL HIM-" But he sooned stopped upon hearing me sob harder.

Jimin ran to grab a first aid kit and started to apply a cool wipe on my face. I hissed in pain while grabbing onto my brother still crying.

When Jimin was finished, I heard him get up and went to search for something. I opened one eye and saw that he had pajamas in his hand.

I took the clothes, wiped my eyes, and headed to the bathroom to change.

When I walked in, I looked at myself in the mirror and felt disgusted with myself. I looked at the red mark on my cheek and cried harder.

Jimin decided to sleep on the couch and Hobi-hyung and I slept on Jimin's bed. Luckily his bed was big enough to fit the both of us. Before falling asleep Hobi-hyung decided to put on our favorite childhood movie, The Lion King.

We cuddled together in the bed and I heard Hobi-hyung say, "I will always protect you Taehyung. I will make sure that he will never come near you ever again okay?" He looked me straight in the eyes, I knew he was serious.

I nodded. "Yes hyung. I-I want to switch my room." He gently moved a piece of my hair out of my face. "Was the real reason that you wanted to switch rooms was because of Kai?"

"Yes..." I closed my eyes, trying not to cry again.

"Aww Tae, why didn't you tell me?"

"I was scared. I thought that he might change but no. I guess after we kissed at some party because of a dare that I guess he started liking me. But it looks like it turned into something more."

I heard Hobi-hyung sigh, "Don't worry tomorrow we will talk to the principal about what happened-"

"No! We can't do that!"

My brother looked at me confused. "And why not? He hurt you Taehyung."

"I know...just not yet please? I'll stay away from him but Baekhyung, Chanyeol, Sehun, and everyone else finding out what he did to me would be embarrassing, so please not yet." I pleaded.


He sighed, "I just want you to be safe and okay that's all."

"I know hyung." I said snuggling closer to my brother.

"Goodnight Taehyung." He said as he kissed the top of my head.

"Goodnight Hobi-hyung."

~The Next Morning
After waking up and eating breakfast, Hobi and I went down to the principal's office and requested that I have my room changed.

The principal said that I could switch with Baekhyun so I called Baekhyun down and asked if he wanted to switch. I told him that my old room is closer to Chanyeol and Sehun's room which made him happy.

But then he asked why I wanted to switch rooms and I told him that I just needed more space and thankfully he believed me.

"Would Kai be okay with this?"

I tensed up, my brother noticing as he unknowingly gave Baekhyun a look. I took a deep breath and lied, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure, plus we would probably like sharing a dorm with you." I fake smiled.

Baekhyun was happy, mostly likely because he would be more closer to his boyfriend. I was concerned that Kai would do something bad to him but I pushed those thoughts away because Baekhyun spends majority of his time over at Chanyeol's dorm and sometimes Chanyeol would be at his dorm so at least Baekhyun won't always be alone.

Plus Chanyeol is scary, especially when it comes to protecting his boyfriend. Anyone would be stupid to try to lay their hands on Baekhyun.

"Okay! It's official! Taehyung and Baekhyun, you guys just have to pack your things and switch rooms." The principal smiled.

We both stood up bowed. After exiting her office, Baekhyun waved goodbye to us before parting ways with me and Hobi-hyung while squealing.

Gosh he's so crazy in love.

Hobi-hyung and I went back to Jimin's dorm. They didn't want me near Kai, so I stayed in Jimin's dorm while they went to go pack my things.

Luckily Kai has classes right now and dance rehearsals so he won't be a problem.

I can't wait to have my own dorm away from Kai.

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