Chapter 51~Dancing in the dark

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Jungkook POV
"I'm gonna win!"

"No I am!"

"No I am!"

I pressed my foot down harder on the gas and turned the steering wheel, trying to stay on the road. Or possibly knock Taehyung off the road, either or.

We were on our last lap and Taehyung was right beside me so it was anyone's game. "Come on. Come on." I whispered to myself as I tried to drive faster.

I looked over at Taehyung and he looked back at me and smirked. Seconds felt like minutes as I was closer and closer to the finish line. I pressed down harder on the gas, hopefully I didn't break it as my car was along with Taehyung's as we passed the finish line.

Taehyung got up from his seat while dancing before looking back at his screen while my eyes were glued to my screen, waiting for my name to come up as first place. The screen read out its ranks from 5th to 1st place


"Yes!!" Taehyung spun around happily and fist pumped the air. I rested my head down on the steering wheel.

"It's okay baby, there's always next time."

I picked my head up, "Baby?"

He smiled at me, "Yes?"

I laughed while getting up to hug him. "You're so cute." I pecked him on the nose.

Jungkookie, don't forget that we're in public." He ran his finger under my chin and walked away.

We found this photo booth in the back of the arcade and decided to go in it and take pictures. Taehyung walked in first and sat down first.

"Woah." Taehyung looked around at the fairy lights around the photo booth. I chuckled and climbed in to sit next to him.

Taehyung then tapped on the screen and a 3 second timer appeared on the screen. I felt my choker being pulled and I was met with a full view of Taehyung's face. We stared into each other's eyes as we heard the timer go off and the camera snap.

Our picture appeared on the screen making us smile. "Wow, I like bold Taehyung." I smirked.

"Shut up!"

I then tapped the screen and placed my lips on Taehyung's cheek, feeling him smile. We continued on to do more romantic and silly pictures. One where we stuck our tongues out and made weird faces. Others where we kissed and Taehyung boldly sat on my lap with his arm around me with our faces closes to each other.

We waited for our pictures to be printed out and were so eager to look at them.

"I think your eyes are closed in this one." I looked closely at the picture.

"What really?" Taehyung snacthed the picture from me then pushed me, making me laugh. "Stob! You scared me!" Taehyung whined.

We looked at every picture, laughed, and smiled. We walked out of the photo booth and I checked the time and it was 12:00 a.m.

"Excuse me, we will be closing soon." The worker glared at us. Maybe we were kinda loud the whole time but oh well, I'm gonna enjoy my time with my boyfriend.

We played a couple more games before leaving the arcade hand in hand. My car was in the parking lot near the restaurant but Taehyung and I decided to walk around for a little while.

There were still lights outside and some restaurants were still open. People walked around with their friends and their partners, hand in hand, minding their business and enjoying each other's presence.

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