Chapter 9~Yoongi's roomate

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Namjoon POV
After school I sat in the cafe near my school waiting for Yoongi-hyung to arrive so that we could hang out. Sadly, he failed to tell me that Jin-hyung works here.

If I hadn't done what I did, maybe Jin-hyung and I would've been on good terms and maybe having a conversation right now. I could've probably gotten a free coffee and some flirting but no.

Every time I turned to look at Jin-hyung, he would meet me with these eyes that burned through my body and that expression that made my blood run cold.

I tried apologizing to him but he always ignored me so it was pointless.

You're probably wondering what I did as to why Jin-hyung is mad at me and how I know Yoongi-hyung so here's the story:

Yoongi and I have been childhood best friends, we're basically like brothers you can say. Growing up Yoongi and I always wanted to be rappers and producers; we still do.

But our parents want us to be either office workers or business men. They said that rapping was for people on the streets like gangsters or what not.

But we never believed them, we still hang on to our dreams with hope no matter what anyone says.

After Yoongi transitioned from high school to college, I would often visit him after school and we would hang out at his dorm playing video games, reading comics, or just talking about life in general.

Life sucks, but anyways, little did I know that he had the finest roommate alive and the most annoying. I would have been happy if he had warned me about this roommate named Seokjin.

"Yoongi, whose that?" I whispered pointing at the man facing his back towards us that had wide shoulders and wore a pink apron while swaying his hips as he hummed a tune to himself

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"Yoongi, whose that?" I whispered pointing at the man facing his back towards us that had wide shoulders and wore a pink apron while swaying his hips as he hummed a tune to himself.

"Jin-hyung? Oh, he's my roommate."

As if on cue this "Jin-hyung" turned around startled at our presence, nearly dropping the pan on the floor.

"Geez, Yoongi! Next time say something! You know I get scared easily... Oh, who's this?" He asked while smirking at me.

"This is Namjoon, my best friend. Namjoon, Jin-hyung, Jin-hyung, Namjoon. See? Now we all know each other." Yoongi fake smiled.

Ignoring Yoongi's sarcasticness, Jin-hyung walked up to me with a smile. "It's nice to meet you Namjoon, My name is Seokjin but you can call me Jin-hyung. I'm Yoongi's roommate." He winked at me.

It took me a second to come back to reality from admiring his beautiful features. It's nice to meet you too Jin."

"Hyung. Jin-hyung." He winked again at me with a smile making me blush madly.

"J-Jin h-hyung."

And I could have sworn I heard him say "cute" to himself before he turned back around walking away, continuing with his cooking.

"Gross." I heard Yoongi say.

I gave him a glare before turning and searching for his room. As I was about to go on my search, I heard him say.

"I forgot my math book in Mrs. Kim's room. I'll be right back. And don't break any of my stuff!" I scoffed before rolling my eyes at him.

The dorm that they shared contained two bedrooms, a standard bathroom and shower, a living room and kitchen.

I ended up making a guess which one was Yoongi's, so I chose one of the two and fell backwards on the really comfortable bed dramatically creating a loud sound.

Only to hear running and see Jin-hyung walk in, confused.

"What are you doing on my bed?"

I froze. "What do you mean your bed?"

He raised his thick eyebrows at me before saying, "This is my room." He said walking closer to me. I gulped and immediately got off the bed apologizing.

"I'm sorry, I thought this was Yoongi's room." I nervously chuckled.

"With pink curtains?" He pointed behind me. I turned around and yep pink curtains.

"Y-Yeah y-you know Y-Yoongi likes pink?"

Stop stuttering Namjoon!

"Does he? Because when he first saw that everything that I had was pink he was fake gagging."

The look on his face was dark, cold, and expressionless. I didn't say a word, just sitting there looking back at him with a flustered face.

Well, this is embarrassing and kinda scary. I mean this is my first time meeting him. He could be a psychopathic killer after all.

Wow what a way to die...but hey at least my killer is handsome.

Jin-hyung's face definitely looked like he definitely didn't want me in his room. I wasn't going to judge him for liking pink, I think pink is pretty nice actually.

Quick footsteps coming my direction snapped me out of my thoughts, as I quickly moved back until I was met with the wall.

He put both his hands on both sides of the wall, trapping me in. He got so close to my face that I could feel him breathing on me.

Omg he smells like mints...

Stop it Namjoon!

He spoke slowly, "Let me make things very clear with you Namjoon, I don't want to ever, Ever! See you in my room without my permission. Got it?" I flinched from his voice but nodded my head quickly in fear.

It was like the devil just vanished and the angel reappeared because he smiled at me before saying

"Good!" as he removed his hands from off the wall. Just then as I could say anything or move, Yoongi-hyung walked through the door.

"I'm back! I hope nothing is broken in my room Namjoon!"

Jin-hyung was already out of the room by the time I could come back to my senses. I quickly ran out of the room into the one next to it now knowing that it's Yoongi's and sat down on the bed, pretending to read a comic book that I found on the floor.

"There you are. Look, I know my room's a mess but I didn't have time to finish unpacking." He shrugged.

"N-No it's okay, my room is a whole lot worse." I chuckled.

He raised an eyebrow at me before walking over to me. "What's wrong, did something happen?"

"No! I just-I'm really tired.." I fake yawned.

"So I think that I'm gonna go home now...yeah bye!" I said speeding out of Yoongi's room and out the front door.

"Yah! Come back! You didn't say bye to Jin-hyung-"

I slammed the door and ran down the hallway with a blushy face and a rapidly beating heart before he could finish.

Hi! How's everyone doing? I did go back in the previous chapters and made the paragraphs shorter. Also I added some things to some of the chapters, but don't worry nothing major! You will still understand what happens in the story, so you don't have to go back and reread. Okay bye!🙃

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