Chapter 8~Bunny

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~The Next Moring
No One POV
Jimin woke up to the sweet smell of bacon and pancakes being made. Groaning, he sat up gently moving Hoseok's arm that was over him.

Once he fully got up and stretched, cracking a few bones in the process as he walked over to the kitchen.

"Good morning eomma."

Jimin walked in the kitchen and smiled at seeing his eomma humming to herself as she flipped the pancakes.

Ms. Park turned around and gave her son a soft smile. "Good morning, sweetie! Are you feeling better?"

Jimin's smile slowly disappeared, remembering the breakdown he had in his room last night. Jimin felt embarrassed because his eomma hearing his loud sobs last night.

"Yeah, a lot better." He smiled.

"I don't think I ever want to watch that movie again."

"What movie was it?"

"Actually, I forget but I'll ask Jungkook when I get a chance."

She slowly nodded, not believing Jimin as she turned the stove off. She walked up to Jimin.

"Are you lying to me?"

Jimin froze and looked down, too embarrassed to meet his eomma's concerning glare.

"Jimin sweetie."

She reached out to grab his hand. "You know that you can always tell me anything. I am your eomma, it's my job to make sure that you're okay."

Tears threatened to form in Jimin's eyes but he quickly wiped them away.

"Eomma...I'm scared.."

"Scared of what?"


Ms. Park wiped the tears that fell from Jimin's eyes. "What's so scary about reality sweetie?"

Jimin shook his head and turned to look at the wall clock. "I have to wake Hoseok up and get ready for school."

Ms. Park sighed, "Well, you don't have to tell me what you're scared of right now because I was once your age but Jimin I want you to always know that I will always be here for you. Whenever you need to cry, scream, laugh, or get angry at something, just know that I will be here trying to make my son feel better." She smiled and pinched Jimin's cheeks.

"Thank you eomma."

Jimin hugged her, resting his head on her shoulder.

"You don't have to thank me, I'm your eomma after all okay? Now go! Wake up, Hoseok breakfast is ready." She said as she shooed Jimin out of the kitchen.

Jimin POV
Waking up Hoseok was a nightmare. I had to bribe him with sprite because he was very reluctant to get up.

We had breakfast while Hoseok complimented my eomma about her cooking many times. Making my eomma smile brightly.

I remember my eomma telling me that she wanted to open up a cafe or restaurant one day. Which makes me happy because after she finally divorced my abusive father and got a restraining order on him for the both of us, she's now free and can finally chase her dream like she always wanted.

"Jimin! Jimin! Hey!" Hobi-hyung snapped his fingers in front of me, scaring me out of my trance.

"What?" My heart racing from being scared.

"It's 7:30, we're gonna be late for school if you keep sitting there."

"Oh yeah school.." I sighed, running my hands through my hair. Hobi-hyung and I went upstairs to my room to shower and get dressed.

Since he spent the night, he didn't have time to go back home and change. So I gave him light blue jeans, a yellow, pink, dark blue, and light blue sweater that had kisses written in black across it, and a long pink necklace with beads.

While I wore light blue jeans, a sweater with white, light purple, and dark purple stripes across, and my Chanel necklace that I got on my 18th birthday. After getting dressed and saying bye to my Eomma, Hoseok and I headed to school.


Jungkook POV
All day.

All day Jimin ignored me and avoided eye contact with me.

For example, every time I would try to go up to him and talk to him, before I could get halfway to him, he would run away to class or to Hoseok.

I tried texting him, even calling him but he kept ignoring me. Not wanting to cause a potential argument in school, I decided to reluctantly go to Hoseok.

"Hoseok! Hey! Hoseok!"

I ran, trying to catch up with him before he could walk back into the building. He turned around surprised to see me talking to him.

"Yes Jungkook?" I gritted my teeth together from hearing him say my name.

"I...I...I need your help." I sighed.

Hoseok looked confused. "My help? With what?"

"Jimin. He's been ignoring me all day, can...can you ask him to talk to me." I saw Hoseok smile.


"It's nice seeing you talk to me again. It means a lot to me."

My face turned cold. "I didn't come here willingly to start up a conversation with you like old times. I came here to talk to you about Jimin." I snapped.

"Okay, Okay calm down bunny-"

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" I yelled. Luckily no one was in the courtyard at that time, people are so noisy nowadays.

"Don't...just don't...okay?" I felt tears starting to form in my eyes.

Don't cry Jungkook. Don't cry.

"Don't sit and act like I didn't forget what happened between us." He looked at the ground, his bottom lip in between his teeth.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset."

I scoffed, "You clearly didn't think about that last year."

I turned around to walk away. I heard footsteps behind me before he grabbed my wrist and spun me around to face him.

"Jungkook, I didn't mean to hurt you! I truly care about you just-please, I had a reason-"

I pushed him away from me harshly.

"I don't care about your reasons! Either way you still hurt me!"

I wiped my tears from my cheeks and took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.

"Just talk to Jimin for me, okay?"


I walked away, regret talking to him in the first place. Even if he did tell me the reason, I don't think I would be able to hear it. After what happened, it would be too hurtful to open up those sealed wounds.

Hoseok POV
After Jungkook walked away, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I didn't mean to call him bunny, a nickname that I used to call him all the time. It just came out.

What I did to him was hurtful but that doesn't mean that my feelings for him weren't sincere.

I had my reasons and he would eventually find out. Jimin too. I walked back in the school building and spotted Jimin at his locker taking out his books.

"Hey chim!"

"Hyung! Are you ready?"

The drama between Hoseok and Jungkook is just👀👀☕️☕️

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