Chapter 38~Can we talk?

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Taehyung POV
After my relaxing shower, I put on my usual sweatpants and T-shirt. I walked out of my room and didn't see Jungkook in the living room so I went into the kitchen and still didn't see him.

Did he leave?

I turned around to walk back into my room, I noticed that Jungkook's door was closed which was strange. I slowly walked over to the door and knocked on it softly.

After hearing a faint "Come in." I opened the door to see Jungkook sitting on his bed, his back facing me as he looked out the window.

"Hey, I was wondering if you saw Tata anywhere, I can't find him."

Jungkook turned around and pointed at the top of his bookshelf. "He's on top of my bookshelf next to Cooky." He smiled. "I wanted Cooky to keep Tata company."

I smiled when I saw Tata sitting in Cooky's lap on top of the bookshelf. I walked over towards the bookshelf. "I missed you. You made me worried sick, I thought you ran away." I pouted, while talking to Tata in a higher voice.

Jungkook laughed at me. "What about Cooky? Didn't you miss him too?"

"Aww of course I did, how could I not?" I said looking at Cooky. "They look nice together don't they? Just like..." I bit my lip, preventing me from continuing.

Jungkook turned to face me while sitting on his bed. "Just like what?"


Jungkook smiled. "Yes they do. Just like us." I instantly turned back around towards Cooky and Tata so that he wouldn't see me blushing. I heard Jungkook shift in this bed. "Hey come here." I turned around and saw him patting down to a space next to him.

I smiled and walked over to him, laying down in his bed next to him. He pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around me. My back to his chest. "You're extra cuddly today aren't you?" I chuckled.

He looked up at me and his ears turned red. "Maybe...I just like you being around me." He muttered, resting his chin on my shoulder.

He started to play with my hair. "Please don't leave me Taehyung."

I turned around to look at him. "Why would I do that?"

"I don't know but please don't." He whispered.

"Don't worry I will never leave you Jeon Jungkook." And that's how Jungkook and I fell back to sleep again.

Flashback~Last Night
Hoseok POV
After I left Taehyung's and Jungkook's dorm, I felt...happy? I don't know how to explain it. I was surprised to see him to be Taehyung's roommate, but I trust Jungkook with Taehyung.

Actually, I have somewhat suspicion that they might like each other, based off of how they smiled at each other. Which doesn't bother me at all. I want Jungkook and Taehyung to be happy and plus I'm over Jungkook.

Now Jimin...that's a whole other story.

Now that Jungkook is back, I have a feeling that he's going to start acting different and if Jungkook doesn't like him back then Jimin is going to be heartbroken. And I don't want my best friend to be heartbroken.

I sighed. I hope everything works out okay...

Besides that, I was happy to see Jungkook again but he definitely wasn't happy to see me. I don't want him to hate me forever and I understand that he was upset about what I did but it's been about three years now.

I hope one day me and him will put our past aside and move on.

When I arrived at my dorm, I didn't see Namjoon anywhere. Me and him still aren't talking as much as before and I know that sooner or later that I need to talk to him.

I don't want to lose Namjoon, I was just upset about the situation I was put through but now I'm over it...


I haven't seen Jin-hyung since and I'm scared to come across him again. It's not when I walked in the dorm and shut the door, he was straightening up the living room, murmuring about how messy the place was.

No, no, I was just seeing things right?



When he saw me he jumped dramatically and held his chest. "Oh you scared me! It's nice to see you again, Hoseok-ah." He smiled.

I stood there staring back at him, "Jinnie?"

He sat down on the couch. "Jin-hyung actually, I was worried that you would come back late."

"I-uhh...where's Namjoon?"

"At my dorm."

"Uhh why?"

"Because I want to talk to you. Just me and you. If that's of course okay with you." I nodded my head and went to sit next to him.

"Hoseok, I don't want you to be scared of me. Namjoonie told me everything."

I didn't say anything and looked down. "I know that the situation that you were put through was...scary and trust me if I was in your place at that time, I would freak out too. And I just want to say that I'm sorry."

I looked up. "Why are you sorry?"

"Because of my bad dream and me screaming and yeah..."

"But you couldn't control your bad dream. You were scared and I was scared too. I just wished that I knew how to help you."

He smiled. "It's okay. I know that you and Namjoon talked after you found out about my secret. And you had every right to be upset that night. I understand that you just needed your space because what happened was too stressful and overwhelming."

I nodded my head, "Thank you for understanding."

"Always. I just don't want you to be scared of me or think that I'm some kind of a freak." He chuckled.

I shook my head, "No you're not a freak at all. You're actually quite cute in your little space." I smiled.

His ears turned slightly red as he scratched the back of his neck. "Thank umm are you hungry?"

"Yes, very actually."

"Good! I made dinner, so I hope you like it."

"Thanks, Jin-hyung."

"No problem. Hoseok, just know that if you need anything you can come to me."

"Of course." I nodded and got up, bringing Jin-hyung with me so that we could eat dinner together.

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