Chapter 15~Hobi hands pt.1

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~3 years later
Taehyung POV
"Taehyung! Taehyung wake up!" I felt my bed being kicked repeatedly and heard someone yelling.

I opened my eyes barely to see my older brother kicking my bed trying to wake me up.

"Oh your awake!"

I hummed, pulling the blankets over my head trying to fall back asleep. "Uh no you don't!" I heard him yell as he jumped on me like a wrestler.

Suddenly feeling the crashing heavy weight on me, I jumped up out of my bed yelling, "OKAY! OKAY! I'M UP!"

"Good." I saw him smile.

"I made breakfast for you and Kai. Now get up and get ready for class Taehyung!" He said, throwing a pillow at me before leaving.

I sighed loudly, running my hands through my hair while walking into the bathroom. My first year of college was hell but I guess it gets worse and worse as life goes on.

I hopped into the shower, letting my body be engulfed by the hot water.

Please let this year be a good year.

After my shower and putting my hair in a ponytail. I put my light blue jeans, my white FILA sweater with my black sneakers.

Something casual, I'm not trying to look all fancy for the first day of new classes like other people. I walked out of my room to see my roommate Kai sitting at the kitchen table reading something on his phone.

"So what did Hobi-hyung make?" I asked as Kai nearly fell out of his seat, his phone almost falling out of his hands.

"Jesus, you're just like Hoseok." He sighed, clutching his chest.

"What do you mean?" I cocked my head to the side.

"You both like to come out of nowhere and scare the butt out of me just by talking." I laughed at him.

I smelled bacon and walked towards the smell of it. "Oh and to answer your question, Hoseok made bacon and cheese omelettes."

"Yes!" I said excitedly while fist pumping the air heading Kai laugh. I've always loved Hobi-hyung's cooking. When we were younger he always cooked breakfast because his eomma would be at work and our appa was never there half the time. So he would always try to teach me how to cook.

Don't get me wrong, Kai can cook very well but nothing compared to Hobi-hyung's cooking.

Kai and I have been best friends ever since Baekhyun introduced me to his friend group in the beginning of high school. Luckily they accepted me gratefully.

At first my brother was suspicious of them being friends with me but it took me a while to convince them that no one them would hurt me and thankfully he let it go.

~After Breakfast
"You ready?" Kai said to me.

"Yeah just let me grab my bag." I reached for my bag that sat on the table. From the corner of my eye I saw Kai reach out his hand too in an attempt to grab my bag but ended up brushing his hand lightly against mine.

"Sorry, I tried to get it for you. You know that I would always do anything for you, right Tae?" He said looking me in my eyes, rubbing his hand up and down my arm.

I felt creeped out but before I could say anything he said, "Come on, we don't want to be late to class now do we?" he said while smirking. I gulped while nodding and reached down to grab my bag.

Kai and I met up with Baekhyun, his boyfriend Chanyeol, and Sehun. Baekhyun and Chanyeol pressed against the lockers as they made out. But what made me laugh was Baekhyun standing on his tippy toes.

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