Chapter 17~Not worth Hobi's time

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Namjoon POV
"Wow Namjoon, I didn't know you were so popular."

"What do you mean?"

"All of your friends at lunch, I thought Yoongi was your only friend."

"Correction, best friend. But I met Hoseok because we're both roommates of course. His brother is Taehyung and they are both friends with Jimin. So I guess we all just came together." I shrugged and wrapped my arm around him.

"Didn't you know Hoseok from before? Like in high school." Jin-hyung snuggled closer to my chest.

"Yeah kinda, I didn't talk to him but I knew him from Jungkook."

Ah Jungkook. I wonder what he's doing right now. Hm, probably making millions. I laughed at that thought.

"What's so funny?" Jin-hyung chuckled.

"Remember when I told you about Jungkook?"

"Yeah, he was your friend back in high school right?"

"Yeah, I told you he left for America because his parents forced him."

Jin-hyung shook his head. "That's a shame. I would never force my child to do anything that they don't want to. It doesn't matter if I want my child to be something else in life. It's not my life, so what gives me the right to make their life choices?"

"You're right. I just hope he comes back." I sighed.

Jin-hyung and I were in my dorm room on my bed. Hoseok, my lovely dorm mate, wasn't here, he said he had some "business" to take care of. Whatever that means.

But this is the perfect opportunity for Jin-hyung to go into his headspace. So I put on the movie Finding Nemo, which is a good way of putting Jin-hyung into his little space.

He loves Finding Nemo.

We didn't have any more classes to attend for the day, thankfully. Jin-hyung told me about how he felt like he was competing with someone in his class named Sehun to be the best in his acting classes.

It made him really stressed so what better way to relieve his stress by easing him into his little space. Halfway through the movie, I felt Jin-hyung or should I say Jinnie starting to get fidgety and cranky next to me so I opened the drawer next to my bed to get his pacifier.

I got up and jogged to the bathroom to wash it off. Only to hear Jinnie's cries and whines coming from my room.

Hurry up Namjoon!

I ran back to my room to see Jinnie sitting up on the bed with a red crying face and making grabby hands for me.


I smiled at him and walked over to my bed and laid next to him. "Look what daddy has for you." I showed him his favorite pink pacifier. He gasped and opened his mouth wide for it.

I plopped it in his mouth and he accepted it happily.

"Jinnie what are you..?" He got up and laid down on top of my chest, something commonly that he does. I guess it helps him fall asleep better.

I pulled the blankets over on top of us and rubbed his back soothing him to sleep.

After about five minutes, I heard soft snores coming from my chest. I smiled to myself, happy that the past stuff that happened between Jin-hyung and I is now behind us and we can finally move forward and be happy together.

Hoseok POV
After I walked Taehyung to class, I noticed that he didn't want to leave me and seem reluctant to go to class which is kinda strange.

I decided not to think about it and continued on with my day. dance professor called me to his office.

I was nervous,  I mean dance is my everything, my heart and soul, I know for a fact that I work hard in that class. So I hope that it's nothing bad.

Upon my arrival, I was greeted by my professor and Kai in his office.

What is he doing here?

"Ah, Hoseok! Come in! Come in!" The professor waved me over. I walked in slowly and sat down in the seat next to Kai.

"Am I in trouble?" I gulped.

"No! Oh god no! Hoseok, you're one of the best ones in our class. Which is why I called you both here." He interlocked his fingers together and continued.

"You see Hoseok...Kai is struggling and he needs help."

"Uhh..What does that have to do with me?" I nervously asked, already seeing where is conversation was going.

He leaned forwards. "I want you to help Kai and help him get better."

I paused.


Hell no.

It doesn't help that I already have suspicion of the guy around my little brother. "But sir-"

"No buts Hoseok, no buts. This isn't up for discussion. You will do this."

I sighed, "Yes sir."

I looked over to Kai to see him smirking at me.

Oh, god this is going to go so bad. Why did it have to me? What did I do to deserve this?

"Good! Very good!" The professor clapped his hands excitedly.

"This perfect. Kai really needs you Hoseok so thank you for doing his. You both are dismissed." He smiled.

I immediately got up and left not before Kai called my name.


I stopped in my tracks to see Kai walking up to me with that same dumb smirk on his face.

"What?" He paused.

"Thank you wanting to help me. It's going to be fun dancing with you Hoseok." He smiled.

"Mhm. Your welcome." I muttered, barely above a whisper, before turning and walking away from him.

"Aww why so harsh Hoseok? You don't want to help me?" He pouted.

"It's not that. I will help you but I don't like you one bit."

"Come on Hoseok! Taehyung wouldn't like you talking to his beloved best friend like this now would he?"

I stopped in my tracks once again and gave one last glare to him before leaving. People like him aren't worth Hobi's time.

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