Chapter 41~Do you like Taehyung?

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Jungkook POV
As soon as the bell rang, I sprinted to my dorm in search of Taehyung. I tried texting and calling Taehyung but he never answered which made me worried. He never came back to lunch and neither did Jimin which worried me even more.

I arrived at my dorm and walked inside, well basically ran in but anyways, Taehyung was nowhere to be seen.

"Taehyung? Taehyung? Are you in here?"

I searched all over the dorm, the bathroom, living room, kitchen, and his room but he wasn't there. The last place to check was my room.

Please be in here, please be in here.

I slowly opened my room door, expecting to see Taehyung in my bed cuddling with Tata but he wasn't there. I looked at the top of my bookshelf and saw that Tata was still here. So he didn't stop here at all, he wouldn't leave Tata.

I tried calling him again but he didn't answer, his phone going straight to voicemail. I sat down on the couch, rocking back and forth. "Calm down Jungkook. If he isn't back by tomorrow then go to the principal."

Taehyung POV
I fell asleep while cuddling with Yoongi-hyung but when I woke up, I was alone on the couch.

"Oh you're awake."

I looked up and turned my head to the direction of the voice that wasn't Yoongi-hyung's.


He smiled and pointed his index finger at me, "The one and only."

I smiled a little. He walked over and sat down next to me. "Yoongi went out to the studio and he already told me everything." I slowly nodded my head without saying anything.

"And I also know about what Kai has done to you in the past but let me tell you that Kai has a record of abuse."

I cocked my head to the side, "What do you mean?"

"He..." He sighed before continuing, "He did the same to you what he did to Namjoon, just worse.."

My eyes widened. Is that why Namjoon left immediately after I showed him a picture of me and Kai? 


"You don't have to say anything about it. But I'm happy that you were able to get away from him. But that doesn't mean that he won't continue to do the same thing to others."

I nodded as tears started to form in my eyes, "Yoongi-hyung told me to go to the principal and then the police." I muttered.

Jin-hyung nodded his head, "That's good. You have the evidence right?" I nodded, feeling tears running down my face.

"Aww you poor thing." Jin-hyung stretched out his arms to me. At first I was hesitant but I eventually went into his out stretched arms and cried into his chest. He started rocking me from side to side, telling me that it will be okay.

"This is my fault isn't it? I-I mean if I d-didn't kiss him at that stupid party, he wouldn't become obsessed with me." I cried.

Jin-hyung pulled me away from his chest so that he could look at me. "Taehyung no. This isn't your fault. He shouldn't have done the things that he did to you. You didn't deserve that. Even if you didn't kiss him, he might have still become obsessed with you. So don't blame yourself."

I nodded, while sniffling and wiping my tears away. "Do you want to stay the night?"

I looked up at him, "No, I don't want to be a bother-"

"You're not a bother. You can stay as long as you want."

"But what about Yoongi-hyung?"

"Pfft, he wouldn't mind. Even if he did, you're still staying." He said while hugging me.

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