Chapter 3~Leader

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~After Dance Practice
Jimin POV
Two hour later and basically everyone in the dance room was exhausted. Huge wet spots were definitely seen on some people's back and chest including mine.

Everyone in the room was panting hard from being out of breath. The dance that we started learning was by far the hardest dance we've ever done.

Which doesn't surprise me because we are seniors and the end of the year was approaching way too fast for anyone's comfort. I walked over to the bench that sat in the back of the room, breathing hard.

Hoseok came over to me and handed me a towel. "How are you not as sweaty as everyone else?" I looked at him in astonishment.

He shrugged and started to chug down his water. Hoseok must be superhuman or an alien because every time we practice he is always the least sweaty one in the room.

And he's one of the ones that dances the hardest!

I looked over at Namjoon and not trying to be mean but he looked terrible. I mean his tank top was drowned with sweat while he was leaning against the wall, clearly out of breath.

Hoseok observed my staring in a specific direction and followed it. He saw Namjoon and his eyes widened. "Jesus, he looks like he's about to pass out right now."

"Hoseok!" I smacked him with my sweaty towel. I gazed over to Namjoon again and this time he was staring at me and Hoseok.

My eyes widened and Hoseok, being the most obvious person ever, waved at Namjoon while smiling.

Namjoon, still panting out of breath, weakly raised his hand to wave back at Hoseok.

Hoseok nodded and turned his head back in direction but frowned when he saw my face.


"Why did you wave at him?" I scowled.

"What? I told you Namjoon seems nice."

"Seems, Hoseok. Not is."

Hoseok clicked his tongue and reached down to grab his bag. "Be nice Jimin." He petted my damped orange hair and wiped that same hand with his shirt.

"Never." I smirked wickedly.

He laughed and before he left the room he said, "See you tomorrow Chim."

I waved at him, "Bye Hobi-hyung." I got up from the bench and saw that my butt had a sweat stain on it but we're not gonna talk about that.

I collected my things together, wanting to get out here so that I could take a long hot shower. Sweating always disgusted me so a nice relaxing shower seems wonderful right about now.

But before I could leave, my dance teacher, Ms. Ahn called my name. No, please no. Let me go shower! 


"Can you stay after for a couple of minutes? You're not in trouble, I just need to talk to you."

Well that helps my anxiety.

Once the dance room was vacant, just me and Ms. Ahn, I started to feel uneasy even though she told me that I'm not in trouble.

"Again you're not in trouble Jimin. I wanted to talk to you about your dancing skills."

Oh no.

"And I just want to say how impressed I am with your movements and the rhythm that you produce in your dancing has really awestruck me. And you've been here for a long time and watching you and your passion for dancing grow and grow, I want you to consider becoming the leader of the group."

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