Chapter 39~Jungkook is mine!

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Taehyung POV
I was in Jungkook's room when his extremely loud alarm went off waking us both up.

"Ugh, when are you going to change that alarm?" I said half asleep and half irritated. "One day. I always forget to change it." Jungkook mumbled, still half asleep.

Last night Jungkook and I decided to stay in his bed all day and watched movies while cuddling together which is fine by me.

I pulled Jungkook's arm off from around my waist as I sat up and walked into my room, hearing him whine. I went into my room and heard the shower turn on.

I decided that I'll take a shower later on today and put on my clothes. After a while, I heard the shower turn off and Jungkook walking out the bathroom with nothing but a towel on.

"Hey that's my thing." I whined.

"You're weird."

"But you like my weirdness." I stuck my tongue out at him.

He sighed, "Yes, I do."

After Jungkook and I got dressed and ate breakfast, we grabbed our things and headed out the door and started walking to class.


"Yes Jungkook?"

"I have to tell you something later." I raised an eyebrow, "Why can't you tell me now?"

"Because...umm it's too early in the morning to tell you." He muttered.

"Umm okay?" I laughed at his weirdness. We kept on walking until I heard my phone ding.

-Hey, can we talk today at lunch on the roof? I have to tell you something.


Why does everyone have to tell me something? Am I missing something?

"Who was that?" Jungkook leaned over my shoulder.

"It was Jimin."

"Oh, what did he want?"

"Eh to meet me at lunch."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, "I don't think you should-"


"That was the bell. Bye Jungkookie!" I waved at him before running off to class.

After the bell for lunchtime went off, I went to the roof of the school to meet Jimin.

I wonder what he has to tell me.

After finally making it alive through these overly crowded hallways, I took the steps up to the roof and saw Jimin sitting down, leaning against a part of the building.


"Oh Taehyung!" He got up. I walked over to him and hugged him.

"Why did you leave so soon on yesterday?"

"Oh, I just had to take care of something." He chuckled. I scanned Jimin's face and he looked tired. He had bags under his eyes and his eyes were red. "Jimin, are you okay? Why do you look like that?"

He got defensive, "Look like what?"

My eyes widened, "It's nothing bad Jimin, you just seem extra tired today." I chuckled.

"Well I didn't get any sleep last night." He murmured while looking away. I nodded, now slightly uncomfortable.

"So what did you have to tell me Jimin?"

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